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ORDINANCE 2010-008 <br />b. Where a magnolia or other canopy tree (not including a narrow species such as a <br />cypress or holly) is used in a foundation planting area, the planting area shall have a minimum depth <br />of ten (10) feet measured from the building. <br />-23. Within such foundation planting landscape strips, the following landscaping shall be <br />provided; <br />a. Forty (40) percent of the foundation perimeter (excluding entrance ways and overhead doors) <br />along all building faces shall be landscaped, as follows: <br />*For buildings up to 12' in height <br />Minimum planting area depth: <br />YY minimum avers a 5' <br />Minimum plant material required: <br />*I palm tree or appropriate canopy tree for every 10 lineal <br />feet of planting strip (eltis*eraa' 100 sq. ft. of required <br />foundation planting area. Where an appropriate <br />canopy tree (conventional or narrow species) is used, <br />the cane y tree may count for 2 palms. <br />*1 understory tree (or two 42" non-native/36" native <br />shrubs) for every 20 linea' feet of ro roa planting <br />300s . ftof required plantin2 area. <br />*1.5 shrubs (minimum shrub height 12") for every 10 <br />s uare feet of required planting area <br />*Ground cover, flowering plants or sod in the remaining <br />planting area; sod shall be limited to 30% of the <br />re uired nlantin2 area. <br />*For buildings of 12' to 25' in height <br />Minimum planting area depth: <br />4.9' 6' minimum averse 10' <br />Minimum planting material required: <br />*1 canopy tree (including palms credited as canopy <br />ILEg§1 for every ,n lineal feet of,.o,,, ife .,lancing s*,;� rz <br />height 12eaeh may <br />path a minimum of <br />substituted f r o eb eanepy tree' 150 sg. ft. of required <br />foundation lantin area. <br />*1 understory tree (or two 42" non-native/36" native <br />shrubs) for every 20 linea' feet of r -o rya planting <br />300 s . ft, of required plantinjj area. <br />*1.5 shrubs for every 10 square feet of required planting <br />area <br />*Ground cover, flowering plants or sod in the remaining <br />planting area; sod shall be limited to 30% of the <br />re uired lantin2 area. <br />*For buildings over 25' in height <br />Minimum planting area depth: 4-5! 10' minimum 15' avers e <br />Bold Underline: Additions to Ordinance 7 <br />Strike t4augh:: Deleted Text from Existing Ordinance <br />F:\Community Development\Users\CurDev\ORDINANCE\2010\2010-_ Landscape 911, 926 and 927.RTF <br />