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ORDINANCE 2012-030 <br />advertisement of a special event. No more than twenty (20) signs shall be <br />displayed in the unincorporated county for a special event. For political <br />campaigns, there is no limit on the total number of signs displayed in the <br />unincorporated county when such signs are otherwise displayed in compliance <br />with the requirements of this section. <br />(2) Application. The applicant shall submit a written application on a form to be <br />provided by the code enforcement official which stipulates the conditions under <br />which the temporary sign(s) are being requested. In addition to sign application <br />information required pursuant to section 956.05, the application should include the <br />following: <br />(a) Nature of the temporary sign(s). If the temporary sign(s) relate to a special <br />event, include the location of the special event and daily schedule of <br />activities; <br />(b) Duration of special event or campaign. Include dates of commencement and <br />termination of the special event or political campaign; <br />(c) Sign distribution. Include the proposed distribution of signage and such other <br />information as the county may require to ensure assufe consistency with the <br />spirit, intent, and purpose of this chapter; <br />(d) Responsible agents. Identify the name of the sponsoring entity and principal <br />contacts responsible for erecting and removing signage. <br />(3) Duration of sign display restricted. Temporary special event signs may be erected <br />for a period of time not to exceed seven (7) calendar days within any six-month <br />period. Temporary signs associated with a Temporary Use Permit issued under <br />County Code Chapter 972, Temporary Uses, may be erected for a period of <br />time concurrent with the timeframe of the approved event. Temporary political <br />campaign signs may be displayed no more than th ninety (90) days prior to <br />the election in which the candidate's name or the issue will appear. Any unopposed <br />candidate in the first primary who will face opposition in the following general <br />election may erect temporary political signs t fifty (30) ninety (90) days prior to the <br />first primary, notwithstanding the fact that the candidate's name will not appear on <br />the first primary ballot. <br />(4) Temporary signs in residential districts. Temporary signs for political campaigns or <br />special events are allowed in residential districts, as defined in Chapter 901, <br />Definitions, subject to the following provisions: <br />(a) One (0 sign per special event, candidate or issue is allowed 'not emeee ;fg <br />fetif (4) squar-e feet in per lot or parcel of land. The allowable signage <br />shall not exceed nine (9) square feet per sign; <br />(b) Signs shall not be illuminated and shall be freestanding; <br />Bold Underline: Additions to Ordinance 8 <br />Strike *FOUgh: Deleted Text from Existing Ordinance <br />C:\Documents and Settings\tlister\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\QPAZMTU8\2012-030 956 Sign Regulations.doc <br />