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ORDINANCE 2012-018 <br />request will shall be reviewed by the technical review committee (TRC) as scheduled by the planning <br />division. Prior to the TRC meeting, the planning division shall notify (by regular mail) adjacent <br />property owners regarding the plat vacation request. Once the applicant has adequately addressed <br />all TRC comments, tThe plat vacation request will shall be scheduled for consideration by the board <br />of county commissioners in accordance with Florida Statutes Chapter 177.101, which governs plat <br />vacations. <br />SECTION #4: <br />Amend LDR Sections 913.07(8) Right-of-way abandonment requests, to read as follows: <br />(8) Right-of-way abandonment requests. A Rright-of-way abandonment requests are shall <br />be made through the planning division on an applications form furnished by that division. The <br />application shall be valid for a period of two years from the date it is filed with the planning <br />division. The community development director or his designee may grant a one year extension <br />A filing fee established by the board of county commissioners shall accompany any request. The <br />request shall be reviewed by the technical review committee (TRC) as scheduled by the planning <br />division. Prior to the TRC meeting, the planning division shall notify (by regular mail) adjacent <br />property owners regarding the right-of-way abandonment request. Once the applicant has adequately <br />addressed all TRC comments, the abandonment request will shall be scheduled for consideration by <br />the board of county commissioners in accordance with the Florida Statutes Chapter 336, which <br />governs right-of-way abandonments. <br />SECTION #5: <br />Amend LDR Section 913.09(5), Sidewalks, to read as follows: <br />(5) Sidewalks. The project developer shall be responsible for providing sidewalk <br />improvements along the project site's frontage on arterial, collector, and subdivision collector <br />roadways (also known as "thoroughfare plan roadways") in compliance with the Indian River County <br />Comprehensive Bikeway and Sidewalk Plan, and the required improvements regulations of the site's <br />applicable zoning district. Sidewalks shall also be provided on at least one (" side of all ..earls within <br />residential projects, and shall be known as "internal sidewalks." For residential projects with a <br />density of three (3) units per acre or more, sidewalks shall be provided on both sides of all <br />internal streets. For residential proiects with a density less than three (3) units per acre, <br />sidewalks shall be provided on at least one (1) side of all internal streets unless an alternative <br />sidewalk/pedestrian system is approved by the public works director or his designee and the <br />community development director or his designee. An approved alternative system shall provide <br />for convenient pedestrian access from project residences to common areas within the project and <br />to the existing and/or future off-site public sidewalk/pedestrian system. Residential subdivisions <br />and planned developments with lot sizes of four (4) acres or more are exempt from the requirement to <br />provide internal sidewalks. <br />(a) Specifications. All construction plans for required sidewalks shall be approved by the <br />county public works director or the director's appointed designee. All sidewalks shall be <br />constructed in accordance with the specifications listed in the comprehensive bikeway <br />and sidewalk plan and the following general specifications: <br />Bold Underline: Additions to Ordinance 6 <br />Stfike threugh: Deleted Text from Existing Ordinance <br />C:\Documents and Settings\tlister\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\QPAZMTU8\2012-018 913 and 914.doc <br />