ORDINANCE 2012-025
<br />(4�) Regional potable Centralized water service shall Abe limited to the
<br />shown on Figufes 3.B.7, ,
<br />and- IRB.9 of the potable wate sub of the indian Rive
<br />County -Comprehensive Plan, and to Urban Service Area, to areas where the county has legal
<br />commitments to provide facilities and services, and to areas and development projects located
<br />outside the Urban Service Area that meet the requirements of Potable Water Sub -Element
<br />Policy 5.7. as of Febf,,afy 13
<br />Regional Centralized sanitary sewer service shall will be limited to the ser-viee .,real .,t,„,,,..
<br />on Figufes 3.A.8, 3.A.9, and 3.A.10 of the sanitai�y sewe subb elle.ment of the indian River- Getti4y
<br />Compr-ehensive Plan, and to Urban Service Area, to areas where the county has legal
<br />commitments to provide facilities and services, and to areas and development proiects located
<br />outside the Urban_ Service Area that meet the requirements of Sanitary Sewer Sub -Element
<br />Policy 5.8. as of Febr eAzy 13
<br />(54) No existing on-site wastewater treatment systems or water treatment systems may be
<br />replaced or expanded without the issuanee of a peffflit eenditioned upon compliance with the west
<br />updated versiens-e applicable county utility construction standards= DEP and
<br />HMHealth Department regulatory requirements., an -federal and state water quality and
<br />wastewater treatment standards (including the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act, and the
<br />Florida Safe Drinking Water Act), - .,:.,... sewer-, n ,,.. ,Bwith it the fR^s* tip
<br />smit
<br />version of DED, and SJRWMD regulatory requirements_ and federal and state wa4er- quality
<br />standards as found in the Federal Water Pollution Contfel_eat ov 1972 (P.L. T'' cpm m
<br />ameadments by the Clean Water- Aet of 1977 (P.L. 95 217). State drinking watef standards afe
<br />set in the Flefida Safe Dr -inking Alater- Aet, F.S. 403.850 403.864. The Feder -a! Safe Drinking Alater-
<br />Aet may be found atm -93 523. The-applieant flaust- also -obtain er Prior to commencement of
<br />system replacement or expansion, a county utility construction permit and, if applicable, as
<br />de ed by the utilities aepat.mefit, oti,tai a utility franchise approval shall be obtained by the
<br />system owner/operator.
<br />Bold Underline: Additions to Ordinance
<br />Stfike through: Deleted Text from Existing Ordinance
<br />C:\Documents and Settings\tlister\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\QPAZMTU8\2012-025 918 and 926.doc
<br />MrMerrFRM
<br />,
<br />(4�) Regional potable Centralized water service shall Abe limited to the
<br />shown on Figufes 3.B.7, ,
<br />and- IRB.9 of the potable wate sub of the indian Rive
<br />County -Comprehensive Plan, and to Urban Service Area, to areas where the county has legal
<br />commitments to provide facilities and services, and to areas and development projects located
<br />outside the Urban Service Area that meet the requirements of Potable Water Sub -Element
<br />Policy 5.7. as of Febf,,afy 13
<br />Regional Centralized sanitary sewer service shall will be limited to the ser-viee .,real .,t,„,,,..
<br />on Figufes 3.A.8, 3.A.9, and 3.A.10 of the sanitai�y sewe subb elle.ment of the indian River- Getti4y
<br />Compr-ehensive Plan, and to Urban Service Area, to areas where the county has legal
<br />commitments to provide facilities and services, and to areas and development proiects located
<br />outside the Urban_ Service Area that meet the requirements of Sanitary Sewer Sub -Element
<br />Policy 5.8. as of Febr eAzy 13
<br />(54) No existing on-site wastewater treatment systems or water treatment systems may be
<br />replaced or expanded without the issuanee of a peffflit eenditioned upon compliance with the west
<br />updated versiens-e applicable county utility construction standards= DEP and
<br />HMHealth Department regulatory requirements., an -federal and state water quality and
<br />wastewater treatment standards (including the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act, and the
<br />Florida Safe Drinking Water Act), - .,:.,... sewer-, n ,,.. ,Bwith it the fR^s* tip
<br />smit
<br />version of DED, and SJRWMD regulatory requirements_ and federal and state wa4er- quality
<br />standards as found in the Federal Water Pollution Contfel_eat ov 1972 (P.L. T'' cpm m
<br />ameadments by the Clean Water- Aet of 1977 (P.L. 95 217). State drinking watef standards afe
<br />set in the Flefida Safe Dr -inking Alater- Aet, F.S. 403.850 403.864. The Feder -a! Safe Drinking Alater-
<br />Aet may be found atm -93 523. The-applieant flaust- also -obtain er Prior to commencement of
<br />system replacement or expansion, a county utility construction permit and, if applicable, as
<br />de ed by the utilities aepat.mefit, oti,tai a utility franchise approval shall be obtained by the
<br />system owner/operator.
<br />Bold Underline: Additions to Ordinance
<br />Stfike through: Deleted Text from Existing Ordinance
<br />C:\Documents and Settings\tlister\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\QPAZMTU8\2012-025 918 and 926.doc
<br />