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Y.� R <br />MAR 23 1983 eft 53 pact 7 <br />are satisfactory to the contractor, and they should be <br />delivered tomorrow. <br />Attorney Brandenburg believed the Utility Department <br />has looked through the specifications in the contract and <br />feels they are correct. He recommended that the Board <br />authorize execution of the contract provided the Attorney <br />receives the executed performance and payments bonds in <br />proper form. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Scurlock, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Lyons, to authorize <br />the Chairman to execute the agreement with <br />Ortega Industrial Contractors for the South <br />Beach Water System Improvements, Phase I, <br />subject to the Attorney receiving the executed <br />performance and payment bonds in proper form. <br />Engineer Robbins requested that the Board also consider <br />allowing the Chairman to execute the Proceed after <br />the contracts have been fully executed. <br />Commissioners Scurlock and Lyons agreed to make that <br />condition part of the above Motion. <br />THE CHAIRMAN CALLED FOR THE QUESTION. <br />It --was voted on and carried unanimously.! <br />2 <br />