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of the use of the effluent by each developer for <br />irrigational purposes. We did, however, encourage them as <br />much as possible to get together with their neighbors on <br />joint ventures. In this particular case, this is one of the <br />largest projects, 1300-1400 units; however, he understood <br />that Baytree, which,has approximately 600 units, is <br />cooperating with the property owner to the north to come in <br />with a combined system to serve both properties. The <br />approach taken was to try to combine where possible, and <br />then where it wasn't, to try to use the effluent for <br />irrigation purposes to cut down -on the demand for our <br />natural resources. <br />Mr. Sculer wanted it noted for the record that he felt <br />there should be one large plant for the County and one for <br />`the City, and not several small plants to maintain. <br />Commissioner Lyons pointed out the possibility that if <br />the County did take it over, they would only take the <br />distribution system, and they might well treat it some place <br />else. <br />Mr. Pinto felt there were some benefits to not having <br />just one giant treatment plant, because if there is a <br />problem, it is better to have one small plant down rather <br />than -the entire system. <br />Commissioner Scurlock was assured by Attorney <br />Brandenburg that there is a provision in the franchise <br />allowing the County to inspect prior to a possible purchase, <br />which is an option they did not have at Vista Royale. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Scurlock, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Lyons, the <br />Board unanimously closed the Public <br />k Hearing. <br />26 <br />APR 6 1983 .53 pw-11.6 <br />