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RESOLUTION NO. 87- S0 <br />A RESOI,UTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, <br />FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN PAVING <br />AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS TO ST. <br />CHRISTOPHER LANE EAST OF A-1-A, 3RD <br />STREET FROM 32ND AVENUE TO DEAD END, <br />110TH pr,ACE EAST OF US 1, ll0TH STREET <br />EAST OF U9 l, llTH COURT SW NORTH OF <br />osr.o RoAD, 18tH AVENUE BEEWEEN 1ST <br />STREEf SW AND 1ST PLACE, 17TH AVENUE <br />NORTH OF 37TH STREET, 14TH AVENUE <br />BETWEEN zND STREET AND 1ST STREE1T SW, <br />32ND TERRACE . SUBURBAN ACRES AND <br />COMUERCE AVENUE; PROVIDING THE TOTAL <br />ESTIMATED COST, METHOD OF PAY!{ENT OF <br />ASSESSI{ENTS, NUMBER OF ANNUAL INSTALL- <br />MENTS, AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA <br />SPECIALLY BENEFITED. <br />WHEREAS, the county Public works Department has <br />receLved public improvement petitions, signed by more than 2/3 of the <br />ohrnera of property for some of the following streets in the areas and <br />othera have been reconmended by the Board of County Commissioners, to <br />be specLally benefited, requesting paving and drainage improvements to <br />ST. CHRIS'TOPHER LANE EAST OF A-1-A, 3RD STREET FROM 32ND AVENUE TO <br />DEAD END, 110TH PLACE EAST OF US 1, 110rH STREET EAST OF US 1, llTH <br />COURT SW NORTH OF OSLO ROAD, 14TH AVENUE BETWEEN 2ND STREET AND 1ST <br />STREET SW, 18TH AVENUE BETWEEN 1ST STREET SW AND 1ST PLACE, 17TH <br />AVENUE NORTH OF 37TH STREET, 32ND TERRACE - SUBURBAN ACRES AND <br />COMI{ERCE AVENUE' an.I <br />WHEREAS, the petitions have been verified and meet the <br />reguirements of Section lL-23, Indian River County Code of Laws and <br />Ordinancesi and cost estimates have been completed by the Public works <br />Division; and <br />WHEREAS, the total estinated cost of the Proposed im- <br />Provements is TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY SEVEN THOUSAND' FIFTY DOLLARS <br />($277'050); ancl <br />WHEREAS, the special assessments provided hereunder <br />shall, for any given record owner of property within the area special- <br />ly benefited, be in an amount equal to that proportion of seventy-five <br />percent (75t) of the total cost of the project as follows: <br />{al if the assessment is calculated by the front footage method, <br />the number of lineal feet of road frontage owned by the <br />given owner in relation to the total number of lineal feet <br />of road frontage within the area specially benefited, and <br />(b) if the assessment is calculated per parcel, the potential <br />number of buildable lots which are owned by the given owner <br />in relation to the total nunber of parcels within the area <br />specially benefited, and <br />WHEREAS. the special assessrnent shall become due and <br />payable at the Office of the Tax Collector of Indian River County <br />ninety {901 days after the final cletermination of the special assess- <br />nent pursuant to Section 11-34, Indlan River County Codle of Laws and <br />Ordinances; and <br />WHEREAS, Indian River County shall pay the remaining <br />twenty-five percent(25t) of the total cost of the project; and <br />r