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.l-u-q9 <br />Rc: Rrrdglodland <br />LowellWells <br />REsolunor xo. gs._.:lll <br />A RESOLUTTOI{ OF tl{Dnr RUER COU}|TY, FLOR|DA,CAI{CELII}IG CERTAII{ DETI]IOUENT TAXES UPOII <br />PUBIICIY OWIIEO LAIIDS, PURSUAIITTO SECTION I96.2E, <br />FTORIDASTATUTES. <br />WHEREAS, Sodion 196.28. Flodda Siatrtes. allorrrs the Board of Cornty Conrmlssloners <br />of each County to canod atd dlsdargs any and dl lirms for l,axes, delinquent or cunefll, held or <br />on'ned by llp @unty or the statls. upon liands herotoforo or hereafrer onveyed to or acqulred by <br />arry ry€''F|l, govenunenld subdMslon. or municipality of lhe slalo. or ths United States, for rosd <br />puryooeE, defenm purpo,EoE. rocroallofl, roforoetslim. or olher puHic use; and <br />_ tlrllEREAS. lourd! caldc$sn rnurt be by re*lution of fire Board of Gounty <br />eornmlcs*sncrrt tttrly ndnplfd afld artrrd upm itr mhuts p*qpsty desErib_ing eudl fLnds g|ti <br />co[ing forfi ltto ilrbllc uio to uittk*t tho eamo are or wi{l Ue OavoleO: and <br />lffl{ER€AS" upon rocefli of o oortil}sd @y of sucfi rosotulion. propsr offidals of the <br />o{xrn9 and of the 6i8[o ars aulhorfeod" G{npomred" sr'd drkredod t]o meko dopsr enbies upon lhery! f0 aoootnpliih sud| cmodtalJon arld tro do d thtuioB noceBssy tlD cany out tho pdvtslons <br />of Secffon 190.28" F"S"; <br />NOI4', THEREFORE" BE IT RESOI-VEID BY THE BOARD OF COUNWCOMMISSIONER$ OF INDIAI{ RIVER COUT{IY" FLORIDA" thAt: <br />1" Tho dhht of way h My *,r*plcrd arid my end dll fl,isrs for tnxer" dolfirquont or qrnonl. <br />agahstlllo prop$ty desodhod f,n OR Eook 1201, Pegr 210 vrfttfi was rocohuy acquhod byIndien River @urnty tv fulun /nnd ust Iu @unty crpnrlon aro heroby cancotod.pilrfFuanl lo tfie aulttmrity of sodilon 10629" F"s" <br />2. The C|dk io ltls Boardof County Corffinisdlofiors f,s horoby dfiro{Nod to s,qrd a ceilIltsd copyof lhle resoluiioilt io Um Tax Ooilisdor and tho proporty Apdaisor" <br />The racolution vvas rmovod lor adoplion by Conmdeeloror AdOms ,, and the mollon was <br />ooconded by Cormrfles,ioner SLanhr idqg " and. upon bohlg pul to a vote. tho vote was asfollorvo: <br />Chalrman Kenneth R. Macfit AyeVho Chairman Fran B" Adanrs AleCorrunisstoner Ruth M" Stenbddgo AyeCo*nmlssioner Caroline D" Ginn nieCommisslonerJofmW. Tiptn Ai; <br />The chaiman lhereuoon dedarod lhs resolution duly paseod and adoptod thie 6 day otApril .tdss. <br />BOARD OF <br />f <br />t*r rro'n,.,''r(s r <br />Chairman