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1 As-8ollt (Fourth Rao.) 7/20/99(ENG)RES4,MAG\gtk <br />RESOLUTION NO. 99- 82 <br />A RESOLUTION OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY CERTIFYING "AS - <br />BUILT" COSTS FOR CERTAIN PAVING AND DRAINAGE <br />IMPROVEMENTS TO 26TH STREET (WALKER AVENUE) WEST OF <br />66TH AVENUE TO VILLAGE GREEN PHASE III, DESIGNATED AS <br />PROJECT NO. 8528 AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION NECESSITATED <br />BY SUCH PROJECT; PROVIDING FOR FORMAL COMPLETION <br />DATE, AND DATE FOR PAYMENT WITHOUT PENALTY AND <br />INTEREST. <br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County <br />determined that the improvements described herein specially benefitted the property located <br />within the boundaries as described in this title, designated as Project No. 8528, are in the public <br />interest and promote the public welfare of the county; and <br />WHEREAS, on August 13, 1996, the Board held a public hearing in the <br />Commission Chambers at which time the owners of the property to be assessed were afforded an <br />opportunity to appear before the Board to be heard as to the propriety and advisability of making <br />such improvements; and <br />WHEREAS, after such public hearing was held the County Commission adopted <br />Resolution No. 96-93, which confirmed the special assessment cost of the project to the property <br />specially benefitted by the project in the amounts listed in an attachment to that resolution; and <br />WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works has certified the actual "as -built" cost <br />now that the project has been completed is $789.11 per acre, which is less than $866.86867 per <br />acre in the confirming Resolution No. 96-93, <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: <br />1. Resolution No. 96-93 is modified as follows: The completion date for Project <br />No. 8528 is declared to be July 7, 1999, and the last day that payment may be made avoiding <br />interest and penalty charges is ninety (90) days after passage of this resolution. <br />2. Payments bearing interest at the rate of 73/4% per annum may be made in <br />two equal installments, the first to be made twelve (12) months from the due date and the <br />subsequent payments to be due yearly from the due date. The due date is ninety (90) days after <br />the passage of this resolution. <br />1 <br />