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r <br />believed it would be possible for staff to customize the <br />plan submitted for the Nutt property to fit the other <br />properties. <br />Commissioner Lyons felt the importance of moving ahead <br />on this is such that we should bring in outside help, if <br />necessary, but Administrator Wright felt it could be <br />accomplished in-house and stated that he will have staff <br />move ahead as quickly as possible. <br />Attorney Brandenburg informed the Board that he had one <br />further item regarding the appraisal letter of market value. <br />,He explained that the original agreement was for a price to <br />do the letter and then submit full backup. If the Board <br />should decide they did not need the full formal <br />documentation, he felt he could negotiate on.the price. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Lyons, SECONDED <br />by Commissioner Bowman, to negotiate price on the <br />appraisal letter as suggested by the Attorney. <br />Commissioner Wodtke wished to be sure we have fully <br />documented backup, but stated he would rely on what the <br />Attorney recommends. <br />Attorney Brandenburg reported the cost of appraisal <br />would be $3,000 apiece for Stanny and Bell Road, and Erdo <br />and Golden Sands would be $4,500 together. The major <br />portion of the appraiser's work and overhead goes into <br />putting all the documentation together. He believed they <br />would be able to reduce their price significantly, but felt <br />the Board will have to decide what they feel comfortable <br />with. <br />Chairman Bird suggested the Attorney first determine <br />just how much of a saving could be effected and then bring <br />this information back to the Board for a decision. <br />JUN 8 1983 <br />Commissioners Lyons and Bowman withdrew their Motion. <br />17 <br />