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rEAL DeSCflPI|oll <br />_ A |td{F6_Ftbt! ot ot-!o--toct tighl-ct-..tct trE n o aoro.?-Sr|trl ttitg gorlt h S.ctiot! 20 o|U 2t.falrljp ill Sarh nolrc. t9 EBL n6r. gorl'Eulorrr tt rBrl!.d o fclorlsGlrrrqp_ct th. Edl- lfa Slqa." ot S.clon 20t fcilqJp t-t^liclrttr fqrgr I Elt o c!.E!t lrlrurnlrrL qrat rt l <br />-_1r !f-lt'r0'-f. otong lb l/. -tbi Eil. o dirtorc ot t33tt l.d toc-ptnt h-h.-mn-agit-of:j;;; --- <br />US. llclrot l. fhra rua3 2f5/4a- E otoq lhr tret right-ol-rq7 finr. o dbloncl of 3Ot.lO ht !o th. FOff OF 8Eol{t{}t ot thrtElfilC t!rl'.'| ot Oo'Dc Slrrrl. frrn runS-!'f0a'tt'l. cblle lh. Lodh liar ol thr nolanrnrnl o dirlomt ot .l0l.2a t rt tc c poiat ot crrvr ol o 4!O-fet|!C|! qrt! Gon9cr tc lha h.thr.|l. lhrn 'ln.- llg.?--th. lulln llPu-gh -o erntrol clfb ct 27OO'S:I'. cn orc drtoln o, 2l0.ll frt !c o goint ol tongency rilhUf GilfE &rBr Slrrl orcnrndrl. fhra ruaS l!2'aO'U o dirto*r C to.00 fert to th. Dcint of curtr ol o 310-foot rudirlr etr!. cortor! to lh.lorthrcL fhra rur <br />- fbiC lh. curq lhtough o cml,tll clr9b ot 27@'JJt'. c,r oaB dbtors ot z!ft! trt to o ,olat ot tongorqy.Ifur rrnX afiql'|3' E o dblottcf ot a0lt.2a lct to o poinl la lhr trat dght-of-roy frrr ot U.,S. ffghrt l. lho ruaX 2tt7.ra'? otong th. wcd tlght-ot-ror. o drrlonc. ot !O.0O ict !o Ur pOnf Of agGfiUlG.Eilg fr hCoa Frr-County. Florioc. <br />EXUtBrr-'A' <br />Pegr I of 2 <br />! <br />: <br />C, <br />c <br />G <br />c <br />L <br />c