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they determine ratios and allocate a portion of that total <br />debt and that pool of funds to fund the utility facilities <br />in Vero Shores and Highlands. <br />Commissioner Wodtke had questions about the total <br />number of water and sewer customers in 1978 as opposed to <br />1982, and -Mr. Fancher answered that they have the total <br />bills generated.during those years which would be reflective <br />of the average number of customers during the year. ,He <br />stated that as of December, 1978, there were 328 water <br />customers and 278 sewer customers while in 1982 there were <br />951 water customers and 893 sewer customers. <br />Commissioner Wodtke continued to question the figures <br />shown for billings in 1982 and stated that he just wished to <br />determine the amount of new customers since the base year <br />which might generate some additional revenue. <br />Mr. Fancher did not know exactly the present number`of <br />customers, but pointed out that while there obviously would <br />be additional revenues, there would be additional expenses <br />and additional investments required because they would be <br />coming into some of the vacant lots. All of the components <br />would change and move as new customers came in to the <br />system. <br />Commissioner Scurlock wished to know whether in 1978 <br />and 1980 the existing plant was operating under and meeting <br />existing standards. <br />Mr. Fancher felt their engineer could more properly <br />answer that, but he could say that in 1978 they did have <br />some modifications going on at the water treatment plant to <br />put in a ground storage tank, some high service pumps and <br />things of the nature. During that year as a result of the <br />work going on at the plant itself, the water was taken from <br />the raw water sources, chlorinated, and sent out to <br />distribution, which reduced the chemical cost in that year <br />over what had been incurred previously and what has been <br />13 <br />NOV 9 1983 B -*55 PAu.248. <br />