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7/23/2015 11:50:03 AM
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6/11/2015 3:44:03 PM
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The Plan identifies several issues or problems relating to the <br />principal transportation system. One is the lack of relation- <br />ship between -local transportation plans and other elements of <br />local plans. Another issue is the lack of consistent standards <br />employed by local governments having jurisdiction over the <br />island's transportation system. A third issue is the .evac- <br />uation capability of the island's principal transportation <br />system. <br />The transportation policy established by the Plan specifies <br />that the distribution, location, and intensity of future <br />development on the island shall not exceed the efficient use of <br />the principal transportation system. The standard used to <br />measure efficient use is Level of Service "C" on an average <br />annual basis and Level of Service "D" for peak season traffic. <br />According to that policy, additional residential development <br />would not be allowed in excess of one unit per buildable acre <br />in any traffic zone where existing and committed development <br />exceed the capacity of the most restrictive point of the <br />principal transportation system serving the zone, where the <br />standard used is Level of Service "C" on an average annual <br />basis or Level of Service "D" for peak season traffic. <br />The four traffic zones in Indian River County are served by <br />three bridges linking the island to the mainland. For two of <br />the bridges, the Wabasso Bridge and the Merrill Barber Bridge, <br />the capacities of the bridges themselves are the most restric- <br />tive points of the principal transportation system serving <br />their respective traffic zones. The 17th Street Bridge, <br />however, has its capacity reduced because of the east inter- <br />section of S.R. A1A. <br />The Hutchinson Island Plan includes capacities for each of the <br />segments of the principal transportation system as well as trip <br />generation rates for both existing and committed development in <br />each traffic zone. According to the Plan, the Wabasso Bridge <br />has sufficient capacity to accommodate peak season traffic <br />demand from existing and committed development in Traffic Zone <br />1. The excess capacity presently existing in this zone is <br />almost 5,000 peak season trips. For Traffic Zones 2, 3, and 4, <br />all of which are served by the Merrill Barber and 17th Street <br />Bridge, the existing capacity is' insufficient to accommodate <br />traffic demand from existing and committed development within <br />the affected zones. Until that capacity is increased no <br />residential development in excess of one unit per buildable <br />acre would be allowed in those zones. <br />Besides relating future development to the capacity of the <br />transportation system, the Plan requires each local government <br />to prepare a transportation impact study within three years of <br />the date of plan adoption. The Plan requires that the trans- <br />portation impact study be submitted to the state and to other <br />affected local governments for review and comment. It requires <br />-5- <br />NOV 21 1983 .506K 'E5 w 4 9-- <br />
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