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Discussion ensued as to any areas where we can find <br />additional money to pay for this, and Commissioner Wodtke <br />asked about any contingency account in the Property <br />Appraiser's budget. <br />Property Appraiser Nolte informed the Board -that his <br />department budgets on a very conservative basis, and they <br />have no contingency funds. <br />Administrator Wright pointed out that this is something <br />we are going to have to pay for when we do our next budget, <br />and actually all we are doing is paying for it now instead. <br />Board members continued to express concern about <br />continually dipping into the Board's contingency account, <br />and Commissioner Lyons inquired if there is any way we could <br />pay for this in two parts. - <br />Director Barton did not believe this could be arranged <br />at the price we are paying for it, and Administrator Wright <br />felt this printer is very much needed and there may be other <br />things we can do without. <br />Discussion continued at length as to the amount of <br />funds remaining in the contingency account, the amount <br />already spent out of contingency this year, the quality of <br />the printer, and its anticipated longevity, etc., <br />Property Appraiser Nolte believed it would meet all the <br />County's requirements for the foreseeable future, and <br />explained that while it certainly is not state-of-the-art, <br />which would be considerably more expensive, it is a 1200 <br />line per minute printer and would cut printing time by <br />almost half. Mr. Nolte stressed that the reason it has-been <br />necessary for them to go outside for the printing is because <br />of the Legislative time frame; otherwise his office could do <br />this work here. He continued that although he cannot <br />purchase the printer in his current budget, if the Board <br />could approve the purchase now, he believed that possibly <br />next year something could be worked out. Mr. Nolte <br />7 cc`��° <br />BeOX 56 PACE207 <br />