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b BEACH PRESS -JOURNAL <br />2Q <br />"(� Published Daily <br />FE3 1984 <br />Verb Bea Indian River County, Florida <br />RECEIVEn, w <br />OF di RWCCOUMW: ST�t OF FLORIDA <br />says that, Business <br />at veno B . ndiarF <br />a <br />-TPUBUC NOTICE BE ANNUAL INSTALLMENTST. SND LEGAL <br />PLEASE TAKE NOTICE Mat the Board Of DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA SPECLIU.Y <br />County commiesioners Of Indian River County. BENEFITED. <br />-I. hold a public nearing at 9.30 A.M. on WHEREAS. Me County Public Works Oeaat- <br />Wednesday, March 7, 1984• m the Commonabin fneat rise received a public i--ornea Pati• <br />Chambers Iodated at 1940 25th Street. Vero tion• s+9fted by more man ?S of tnd owrnraa cd <br />Beach. Flonda. to cww ad2= of Me mol-. P"O",pawrgrea to no and drainage pedally oelroMca. ra <br />lowing Prggsed resolution: imaaem"'xs' K, <br />I ith Avenue. DeNwean 2nd Street and Ma S --til <br />RESOLUTION NO. 84. Relief Canal: and <br />'A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY WHEP.EA$, the pamron has been Iinhad and <br />COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, meets me"Ou"w"w" of OfOmanw 81-27: ane <br />FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN ADW- WHEREAS. the ental estimated Con 0l we PrP <br />TIONAL ASPHALT PAVING IMPROVEMENTS TO poses Improvements Is 518.365.20: and <br />10TH COURT BETWEEN 2ND STREET AND 4TH WHEREAS• ilia County ca"In""fd pavmg <br />STREET. PROVIDING THE TOTAL AOWTIONAL and tlremage improvements Costing Slat1907 <br />COST. LIETHOO OF PAYMENT!- ADDITIONAL along IIin Avenue In June. 1983. due to acverrc <br />ASSESSMENTS, NUMBER OF ANNUAL IN- weather dah"'O0s. base Oreparatibn, and a;,• <br />STALLMENTS. AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF phalt placement. ad0lomal 4 -mad —;saw <br />Ority personally appeared J. J. Schumann, Jr. who on oath THE AREA SPECIALLY BENEFITED. in November, 19&1• costing 51;985:06. and <br />- <br />WHEREAS, the COunty Public Walks Depart- WHEREAS,. prim to placement of Me eptta <br />the Vero Beach Press•Joumal. a daily newspaper published melt has received a public improvement Pell• additional asphalt the County 11986s9ad Ma aqp• <br />Y, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement. being Son, signed Oy more Man % of the owners of ertY ownere 53.7688 per front loot which was <br />substantialkk less in" the abproved agwixesed <br />in the matter <br />property in the area to be specialty benefited. ra preliminary estimate of SS.6:i3 per from foot aro <br />quealmg pebet and drainage t and 41A Street <br />to WHEREAS.•an additional special assusu:- t <br />10th Cour) belvrean 2nd Street era 4th $trBsC is prewptiallweunder and shad, for arty 9— <br />and record Gyne; at property within the ama ser <br />WHEREAS. the petition has Dien, 81-27; end wady benefited. be in an amount equal 10 "at <br />meets the requirements of Ordinance 81-27; and <br />WHEREAS. the total est"lated cost of the pro' proportion of l cost olive asphalt (ari) of A <br />posed Imorovemants is $29.169.46; arta total a0agonai post of the asahai paring wadi <br />WHEREAS. the County constructed paving the mdm+dr.o7 lineal feet of road frontage ar40 <br />and drainage improvements coeang 52/•119.46 by Me gm- awnar bears ro the total numC4W ai <br />along IOM Court in June, 1963. due ro adverse lineal feet of road homage within the aha stw- <br />weather condition& base preparation. and as- cu ly banealed. and shall become cue aha cav, <br />phalt placement, additional esohaa was placed able at the 011ie.ofMe Tax Collector of exPett <br />In November. 19&1, costing S2.356.S3: and River Courcy ninety (90) days after the Cee ct <br />In the ��iy,� �} / p A /� Court, was pub- WHEREAS prim to placement of the above thus resolution; and <br />lished in said newspaper in the issues 011b LTJ Lxl i 1 d Y' <br />Affiant further says that the said Vero Beach Press -Journal is a newspaper published at <br />Vero'. Beach, in said Indian River County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore <br />been continuously published in said Indian River County, Florida, each Daily and hat been <br />entered as second class maii matter at the post office in Vero Beach. In said Indian River Coun- <br />ty, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of <br />advertisement; and atfiant further says that he nas neither paid nor promised any person, firm <br />or corporation any discount. rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing chis <br />advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. <br />Sworn to and subscribed fore me t day of A.D. 19 <br />elistness Managers <br />(Clerk of the Circuit Court, dian River County, Florida) <br />(SEAL) <br />additional asohad the County finessed the prop- WHERE/(S.Indmn River County Wal P87 Ilio <br />arty owners $8.4794 per from foot which was m=Mg` twanty-fire percent (25%) of nae Val <br />aubstenhaay Iasi than the approved. advertised. additional Cost Of the project: and <br />preliminary eshmate of $8.012 per front foot and WHEREAS. Me rate of special atsec�7=JN <br />WHEREAS, an additional special assessment shall be equal to 5.7190 par front foot for each <br />is provided hereunder and snail. far any given off• equajng the total additional a450IDnf01t <br />record owner of prop"withinme area spa reflected m Me attached assessment roil: and <br />cialyen <br />befited• be in an amount equal to that YyHEREAS, this Resolution shall servo as ac - <br />proportion ctseventy-lire percent (75%) of the ProYol for Ao.0 me preliminary and final nVIZI <br />total additional cost of the esphan paving which mant role for this project. and <br />the number of luteal teat of road frontage ownedWHEREAS, any special aseessmC.M not Fee - <br />by <br />e -by the gwen owner bears to InB•tota number of within S" ninety (90) day period snarl t✓L`t in - <br />lineal feet of road frontage within me area spa teres[ beypnii,the due date at a rate of 12% p:: <br />dally benented. and sham became due and pay- arowm argi elan be payable in MO (2) cgul tn- <br />able at the Office Of the Tax Colacta of Indian stawnwi s. the first to be mall tweiYJ (12) <br />River County ninety (80) days atter the date of months tram the due dam and the second V oil <br />this re9nlubon: ant made twgnty-tau (24) months from ew duo pax: <br />WHEREAS. Indian River County shall pay the and ihadp twelve (12) months tram the di4 can, <br />remaining twenty -tire percent (26%) of the iotpi and the,secorid to be made twenty-ta7 (24) <br />additional cost M fila project and Marmis from tho due data. and • <br />WHEREAS. the rate of special 'assessment WHEREAS, atter exammabarl of lac aakro <br />shad be equal to 5.721S per Mont foot for each and antldpat¢I7 usage of the proposed iwOohC- <br />owneredu8lmg the total additional assesamata merits. the a" of County Comrmseanens has <br />reflect,ed m the attached assessment roll: and Oetermme0 Crat the following described Prader, <br />WHEREAS. this resolution shall serve as dip. Nes shalt yQeyrve a direct and seeds odealC <br />prove, fa Dom the Preliminary ars final asseraa Irani mese improvements: to wen•. <br />mem rods for this project: and LQM 11,27, Block H: as shOen an I?* Plat <br />WHEw <br />REAS. any special assesnant not paid of Indian River Heights Subdivision. (boa <br />wimm sai0 lenity (90) day Rand_ shall bear iia S. Plat Scak 7. Page 31 at Public <br />formed beyond the due data at a rate of 12% per Records of Iridian Pover County, Fkrda <br />anum and shall be payable m two (2) equal an- NOW THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED BY <br />stailmenls, the fund to be made twelve (12) THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF <br />months from Me due date and the Second to be INDIAN Rn(ER COUNTY. FLORIDAas tatans <br />made tlaanty-tour (24) months from pre Cue dare: 8N mTM� B^nre recitals are affirmed aha as <br />and 2. A Pr midi for addilidnd Pang <br />WHEREAS. atter examination of the i nature91Fct C +ng <br />end anticipated usage of me proposed mproves imwdements to lion Avenue. Detwse0 2nd <br />ments, the Board of County COMImaSioners has Street and the South Relief Canal. ro a ottlma <br />determined that the foilowmg described proper- tlsagnared as Pudic Wats Prosed No a227. R <br />• ties shad race" a direct and n at benefit hereby approved SUOIect to the terms QuOrUd <br />from Mese implaants <br />rem, to wIt: above and all applicable regummenas of OPE► <br />Lots 1-17. Black J; Lots 1-17. Bloc[ K: as repice 81-27. <br />shown on the Plat of Indian River The faflpgrig resolution was offered Of iso► <br />Heights Subd+vision. Unit 7, Plat Book 7, fornonar —who moved its adoormtk The <br />Page 29 of Pubic. Records of Inlian matin was seconded by Commissioner — ant. <br />River County. Flame. upon being put t0 a vote, the vote was as lot - <br />NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED By lows: Chairman Don Scurlock Jr. <br />C. S <br />THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ' <br />-.,;,rn.•w.. -stir,-. _ ..-:mwca•.- •r !'Y`t� ' ' INDIAN RIVER COUNTY. FLORIDA. as follows: VieaChauman Patrick B Lyons <br />• - " - - 1. The forgang recitals we shinned and mb- Comm ssia div Margaret C Bowmn <br />MAR 7 1984 <br />fled in Meir enwety. <br />2. A protect. wording for additional oewrt9 <br />COmnussloner R.cnard N Bud <br />Commissnner viw,am C. woonre If. <br />Ifnprovelnents to 10th Court. between 2nd Sham <br />The Chairman thereupon declared the resalia <br />and 4M Street. hwedfae deaegnateO a9 PuDItC <br />tion duiY Passes and adopted this — a" Ot— <br />WOIks Prgeet No. 5301, i4 hereby.apPreved sub- <br />9N. <br />lect to the terms outlined above and all aPOuca• <br />pard of counts COmmisslonaK <br />ble requirements of Ordinance 81-27 <br />of Indian River County. Honda <br />The foregoing resp uo was offered Dy Cab <br />B Don C Scunodk Jr. <br />Y , <br />npSS Oner —� ono moved Its adoption. The mP <br />Chairman <br />Attest Freda Clerk <br />Non was seconded by Commissioner — and. <br />- <br />APPROVED AS TTO O FORM <br />upon being put to a vote, the wea. was as lob <br />AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY <br />tovro: <br />Chairman Dan C. Scurlock if <br />By Christopher J. FAIR <br />Vice-chairman Palms a. Lyons <br />Awki am County AdansY <br />Comm.ssioner Margaret C Bowman <br />PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that A M <br />Cmo^ eiaher Rlcnard N. Bud <br />Commissioner William C Waddle Jr. <br />acme pudic hes rug the Baal County nton. <br />Th. Chatnheh """Moon declared the refold- <br />ri er <br />Shall also haat aU interested damson <br />Nan do$ passesand adopted mrs-•-daY of— <br />9ld- ig <br />regarding the a000sea dretiminary aases4+rlt <br />-, 1984 _ <br />faN to the improvements pefcnpp I" <br />'19 <br />Bowra of County Comrmssroners - <br />resmunon The prenmmav and praodsedi <br />.1 Inoue Rwer Count. Flatoa <br />nam rail is currently on file wmh . r. Ph,ta:. <br />8, bar, C Scurlock Jr <br />he WO <br />Warka Diwwonaha is sella to <br />SOO a► <br />Chairman <br />tw <br />tureen hours of 8 30 A M: and 6.00 Pia, <br />and <br />Anew Freda Wrynt. Clerk <br />, m <br />MOM4Y Impugn FrrCaY <br />APWOVED AS TO FORM <br />It A person deciles 10 apoeal any decyoon <br />AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY <br />made by me Commission wild respect m aIv <br />matter ConaKN w at this hearing, he ww natio a <br />RESOLUTION NO 84• <br />A RESOLUTtCN OF rHE BOARD OF COLNTY <br />record a me aoceedogs• arm that. to _ct <br />"'posit ne mar naso to ensure mat a w """ <br />COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY. <br />e mace6ngs is made, .—record <br />raCwd a ma <br />FLORIDA. P40VIDING FOR CERTAIN ADDI. <br />Includes In. lashim-14nd indenle upon s"wm <br />TIONAL ASPHALT PAVING 04PROVEMENTS TO <br />the appeal u based. / <br />tIrH AVENUE BETWEEN 2NO STREET AND <br />indict R ­County <br />THE SOUTH RELIEF CANAL. PROVIDING THE <br />Mich" Wight <br />TOTAL ADDITIONAL COST..METHOD OF PAY -Feb. <br />"ENT OF ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENTS, MUM. <br />21, t9a4ry ta�ian� <br />29 <br />-BOOK 56 PAG'E 7 <br />