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Mr. Barton explained that now that we have at last <br />received the final figures to match, it turns out that our <br />local required contribution is considerably less than <br />anticipated. What he is asking for now is to approve the <br />budget upon which our match will be predicated and authorize <br />him to bring the funding up to where we should be at this <br />time of the fiscal year. <br />Chairman Scurlock agreed that should be done, but felt <br />it might be wise to request that we be furnished information <br />as to how we can expect these services to be delivered in <br />the future before we send the checks. <br />Director Barton commented on Mr. Ashcraft's request for <br />an opportunity to address the Commission on a possible use <br />for the overbudgeted funds and felt this could be taken up a <br />later date. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Wodtke, SECONDED <br />by Commissioner Lyons, the Board unanimously <br />approved the final budget of $110,808.28 for <br />Mental Health and authorized the following budget <br />amendment so that the OMB Director can have checks <br />drawn to bring the payments up to date and turn <br />these checks over to the County Attorney. <br />Account Title Account'No. Increase Decrease <br />Mental Health Center 001-106.563-88..16 <br />Mental Health Board 001�106r563-88.17 <br />I R Comm Health Center 001106-563-,88.53 <br />Reserve for Contingency <br />45 <br />MAR 7 1984 <br />5,923 <br />10,946 <br />.16,535 <br />334 <br />BOOK 56 FACE 323 <br />I <br />