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r- - , - <br />MAR 7 1994 8Q©K ca�E 335 <br />John Stone came before the Board, representing Florida <br />Health Facilities Corp. to review the history of the <br />situation, noting that at the time the site plan was <br />approved, question was raised re wastewater treatment, and <br />they were hopeful of obtaining connection to the sanitary <br />sewer. Since that time, efforts have been made to obtain <br />permission to tie onto the sewer system - they have met with <br />the City staff, the County staff, the Hospital Board, etc., <br />but at this point they have been unable to arrive at any <br />definitive solution. Mr. Stone, therefore, felt it was <br />appropriate to start things up again in an orderly fashion <br />to seek an overall solution. He emphasized that for them to <br />connect to the existing waste treatment facilities rather <br />than install a package plant would be to everyone's benefit, <br />especially since there is a sewer line in the vicinity of <br />the facility. - <br />Mr. Stone then quoted figures from the Lloyd Report of <br />1983 in regard to usage of wastewater allocation, which <br />demonstrate that a large percentage is not being utilized. <br />He stressed that although the various entities assure them <br />that all of the available gallons per day have been <br />allocated, the point is that not all of this allocation is <br />being utilized, and Florida Health Facilities is not asking <br />for a permanent connection. Mr. Stone continued to <br />emphasize that it is only good planning and an orderly <br />process to make full use of the facilities that presently <br />exist, and those facilities, since 1973, have not even come <br />close to their planned capacity. He felt that Resolution <br />80-92, adopted by the County in September of 1980, reducing <br />the Hospital's allocation from 500,000 gpd to 400,000 gpd <br />and stating that any difference between the Hospital's <br />actual need and the 400,000 gpd should be made available to <br />the County for reallocation, clearly expressed the County's <br />intent. <br />58 <br />I <br />