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D. Cancellation of next Regular Board Meeting <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Wodtke, SECONDED <br />by Commissioner Bird, the Board unanimously <br />agreed to cancel the next Regular Meeting <br />which was to be held on Wednesday, March 28, <br />1984. <br />PRESENTATION RE EMERGENCY MANAGE14ENT <br />Administrator Wright believed that everyone is aware <br />that Emergency Management, formerly known as Civil Defense, <br />did a very good job during the recent exercise at the <br />nuclear power plant. <br />Steve Wells, Director of Emergency Management, wished <br />to apprise the Commission of comments received on,our <br />participation in the nuclear exercise as a "host" county and <br />presented personnel who participated. He then read excerpts <br />from the evaluation done by Mr. Kresinski, Federal <br />Evaluator, who has done evaluations of similar exercises <br />throughout the nation. Mr. Kresinski in his comments <br />emphasized that the way Indian River County's part in the <br />exercise was carried out was a credit to everyone; communi- <br />cations were excellent; management, especially given the new <br />building, the relatively new director, was excellent; and <br />the participation by about 100 was above and beyond anything <br />he observed in the exercises he has attended all over the <br />country and is the first item on his superior list. Mr. <br />Kresinski was especially impressed with the innovative <br />vehicle decontamination apparatus and the plan for handling <br />and disposing of wastewater. Mr. Kresinski did not identify <br />any deficiencies in his evaluation, (i.e., problems that <br />could negatively impact the ability of the organization to <br />protect the public), but he did have a few suggestions for <br />improvement involving such things as message logging, status <br />7 a <br />BOOK PAGE-'qj <br />MAR 211984 <br />