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Mr. Pinkerton explained that what he is presenting <br />today is not the final design, but it is a new concept which <br />he hopes will be favorably received. It is basically the <br />same octagonal pod that we had before, but drastically <br />simplified. The Jail Committee and the Commissioners <br />gathered around the model of the new design, while Mr. <br />Pinkerton explained the functions in the support building, <br />cell -block and connecting corridor. The cell block can <br />have 46 rooms upstairs and 40 rooms downstairs and all rooms <br />would be sized to accommodate two inmates so that the Jail <br />Administrator and the Sheriff would have total discretion as <br />to when and where to double the occupancy of those rooms. <br />Thirty of these rooms must be maintained as single cells at <br />all times, but the balance could be doubled, which results <br />in a highly flexible building. <br />Commissioner Bird asked what happens when the County <br />needs more jail cells, and Mr. Pinkerton explained that <br />another cell block (housing pod) could be added. <br />Mr. Pinkerton expressed his appreciation to the Board <br />and the Jail Committee for having pushed him toward working <br />out this new design, which he feels is a substantially <br />better plan than anyone else can offer. He advised that <br />they could have detailed schematics to present to the Board <br />in about two weeks. <br />It was the feeling of the Jail Committee that they <br />would like to see the full schematic on this new concept in <br />two weeks as long as it wasn't costing the County any more <br />money. <br />Chairman Scurlock wanted to be assured that we are <br />clean with PDR and suggested that staff be authorized to <br />work with the architect in regard to what is owed, etc. <br />Administrator Wright wanted time to work out the <br />details and bring it back to the Board in a package at the <br />7 <br />MAR 2 9 1984 <br />56 RAu 50, 9 <br />