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I <br />APR 4 1994 Boa 56 PAGE 548 <br />DISCUSSION REGARDING BOTTLE BILL <br />Commissioner Lyons stated that since he requested this <br />item be placed on the Agenda, he has reconsidered and is not <br />in total agreement with House Bill 440 as it now reads; he <br />is in agreement, however, that we support a bottle and can <br />bill from the standpoint of energy conservation and the <br />savings derived from trash pickup and space at the landfill. <br />He would like to see the County go on record as being <br />generally in favor of a bottle/can ban. He.noticed that <br />there is a representative of the Audubon Society in <br />attendance today and asked Ray Fernald to present the <br />Society's stand on the proposed House Bill 440, which is the <br />same as Senate Bill 216. Mr. Fernald explained that the <br />Audubon Society has endorsed and is circulating a Resolution <br />which they hope will be adopted by cities and counties <br />throughout the state, which essentially supports the <br />adoption of Senate Bill 216 and House Bill 440. He <br />understood that these identical bills would place a 5 -cent <br />minimum deposit on bottles and cans and would prohibit <br />pull -off tabs and plastic holding devices. <br />Chairman Scurlock felt that he could support the <br />general concept, but believed the bills are too far <br />reaching. <br />Commissioner Lyons wished to make a Motion to adopt a <br />resolution supporting a bottle/can bill with the <br />understanding that pull -off tabs and plastic holders will be <br />controlled and which would urge the State to adopt a bill <br />consistent with bottle/can bills that have been passed and <br />are successful in other states. <br />Commissioner Bird wished to hold off on seconding <br />Commissioner Lyons' Motion to suggest that perhaps the Board <br />would be a little premature in passing such a general <br />resolution. He did not believe the County has a serious <br />litter problem, and while he was not opposed to the concept <br />