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APR 4 1984 BOOK 5&1 PAGE M <br />three consultants before deciding on Arthur Young and the <br />only instruction given the consultant was that what we <br />wanted was the most equitable rate for each customer <br />throughout the county. The consultant, therefore, did not <br />focus on anyone in specific or any area in specific, and <br />every type of rate setting methodology throughout the <br />country was given consideration. Director Pinto noted that <br />the County does have some unique situations, however; i.e., <br />we have 5,730 water customers and only 3,266 water meters <br />and 3,006 wastewater customers with 893 meters taking care <br />of those customers. These figures will become significant <br />in relation to consideration of the methodology of charging <br />people on a meter basis. <br />Chairman Scurlock informed those present that the <br />ordinance in the backup packet is not the one we will be <br />discussing; another one has been distributed, and we also <br />have a black book where water and sewer charges are broken <br />down by gallonage for the different areas. <br />George Raftelis of Arthur Young & Company came before <br />the Board to make the presentation. Mr. Raftelis wished to <br />impress on those present that a lot of time and effort has <br />been spent by both the consultants and staff in gathering <br />the data to come up with the most responsive rate structure. <br />Mr. Raftelis then reviewed the cost of service and rate <br />setting study (complete copy of which is on file in <br />Office of the Clerk), explaining that the whole purpose of <br />the study was to determine the cost of providing water and <br />wastewater services to customers served by County operations <br />and to calculate charges to recover the costs of those <br />services based upon appropriate rate setting considerations. <br />He noted that there are many factors that must be taken into <br />consideration to -arrive at an appropriate rate structure, <br />and they include: financial sufficiency <br />equity <br />impact of customer classes <br />4 <br />M M M <br />