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MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Bird, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Lyons, that the <br />Board approve Change Order #3 on the 16th <br />Street Improvements Project, as recommended <br />by staff. <br />Commissioner Lyons was disturbed that the completion <br />date of the 16th Street improvements project has been <br />creeping up and wanted to know when it is going to be <br />completed; he pointed out that originally it was to be <br />completed by September. Administrator Wright reminded the <br />Board that the contractor received an extension, and the <br />completion date is now October 1, and Mr. McQueen stated <br />that the project would be completed by the beginning of the <br />school semester, except for the parking lots around the ball <br />parks. Commissioner Bird thought that was going to cause <br />utter chaos at the opening football game in the fall. <br />Mr. McQueen advised that he would have a project <br />completion schedule prepared in time for discussion at the <br />meeting of July 11. <br />THE CHAIRMAN CALLED FOR THE QUESTION. <br />The Motion was voted on and carried <br />unanimously (4-0). <br />JUN 20 1984 <br />39 <br />BOOK a F,aGE.502 <br />