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BOOK 5.6 FF,JE 513 , <br />Farmers Home Administration on the contract for <br />the SR -60 waterline project, giving preference to <br />an irrevocable letter of credit; however, other <br />means of surety could be negotiated with the <br />individual property owners or West Utilities, <br />Inc., as long as necessary security is obtained <br />to get the Farmers Home Administration letter of <br />commitment; and authorized the Chairman's <br />signature to the necessary documents. <br />PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE REPORT - TENNIS COURTS AT <br />GIFFORD PARK <br />Commissioner Bird explained that last year at budget <br />time, $10,000 was allocated for capital improvements at <br />Gifford Park. The Parks & Recreation Committee asked the <br />Gifford Park Advisory Committee for their recommendation as <br />to how that money should be spent. After a long delay, they <br />came back with a recommendation that a tennis court was most <br />needed at Gifford Park. Intergovernmental Relations <br />Director Tommy Thomas thought we might be able to come up <br />with $10,000 in matching funds through the DNR whereby we <br />could build a double tennis court. He explained that he has <br />it in writing that this is an eligible DNR project and funds <br />are available at present. The County has sufficient funds <br />in the new fund which the Commission established for the <br />development of parks to go ahead and proceed with <br />construction of the courts. We would need to draw out <br />$12,000 along with the $10,000 already budgeted, which would <br />enable us to build a double court. The building of a single <br />tennis court costs $13,000-$15,000, whereas a double court <br />would cost approximately $22,000. There is a timing <br />problem, however, as the courts should be completed so that <br />they can be in use by late summer. <br />50 <br />M <br />