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RESOLUTION 2010- 037 <br />include a trip generation study determining new external traffic during both the AM and PM <br />peak hours due to existing development. <br />No further building permits for Waterway Village DRI shall be issued at the time the Annual <br />Status Report reveals that any needed transportation improvement included in the DO is no <br />longer scheduled or guaranteed, or has been delayed in schedule such that it is not guaranteed to <br />be in place and operational, or under actual construction consistent with the timing criteria <br />established in this DO. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL AND NATURAL RESOURCES <br />Upland Preservation <br />31 The developer shall preserve a minimum of 66 acres of forested pine flatwoods, sand pine, <br />pine/mesic oak, and sand live oak natural communities on the project site as described on Map <br />F, and shown on Map H of the DRI ADA and PD plan for Waterway Village. The intent of this <br />development condition is to provide protection of upland natural communities, to provide <br />habitat for wildlife, and to assist in improving water quality by buffering wetlands and water <br />bodies. The continued viability and maintenance of the preserve area shall be assured through a <br />Conservation Easement with Indian River County and the St Johns River Water Management <br />District as part of the Development Plan. Said easement shall be properly executed and recorded <br />prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for any portion of the project. <br />32. Temporary fencing of all preserve areas shall be installed by the developer and inspected and <br />approved by Indian River County prior to commencement of site clearing adjacent to the <br />preserve area. The fencing shall be of a type that clearly identifies and designates the <br />boundaries of the preserve areas and minimizes the potential disturbance of these features <br />during land clearing and construction. The temporary fencing shall be established at least 30 <br />feet outside the actual boundary of the preserve areas. Temporary fencing shall stay in place <br />until it is necessary to remove it for finish grading, required buffers, or required permanent <br />fencing. These provisions shall be addressed in any land clearing permit(s) issued by Indian <br />River County for the project. <br />33. The developer shall incorporate provisions into the road design to enable wildlife, including <br />amphibians, reptiles, and small mammals, to safely cross between the wetland and upland <br />preserve areas. Wildlife underpasses are necessary to connect the upland preserves north and <br />south of the proposed 53rd Street Extension. The design of the wildlife crossings shall be <br />approved by the FFWCC prior to the construction of these roads and issuance of a land <br />development permit or right-of-way permit for 53rd Street construction. <br />34. The developer shall prepare a Preserve Area Management Plan for the conservation areas, <br />upland buffers, and retained wetlands identified on the Waterway Village Master Development <br />Plan. The plan shall 1) identify management procedures and provide a schedule for their <br />implementation; 2) include procedures for maintaining suitable habitat for state and federally <br />listed species; 3) include methods to remove nuisance and exotic vegetation and any other <br />species that are determined to threaten the natural communities; and 4) include plans to <br />permanently mark the conservation areas and allow only limited access for passive recreation, <br />education, or scientific study. The management plan shall be approved by Indian River County, <br />F:\Community Development\Users\CurDelARESOLUTION\2010 Resolutions\Waterway Village.DOC <br />10 <br />
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