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M M M <br />load. Finance Director Fry confirmed that they are not <br />running that payroll now. <br />The Administrator did not feel this would entail that <br />much expense. <br />Commissioner Wodtke noted that he has read in the news- <br />papers that the proposed transition of the jail operation <br />will release funds for the Sheriff to use somewhere else and <br />release employees. What he envisions, however, is that we <br />would take the last year's cost of the jail operations and <br />transfer it over to the County, and there would be no <br />bonanza for the Sheriff as far as additional employees or <br />release of those funds to use in any other area. Some <br />articles have indicated that the people from Corrections <br />would be transferred over to Law Enforcement. <br />The Administrator did believe it was recommended that <br />one or two be transferred back to law enforcement, but he <br />emphasized that the Sheriff does recognize that this is not <br />a revenue generator - it is just a transfer of expense. <br />Commissioner Wodtke continued that the paper has quoted <br />the Sheriff as stating that it will cost more money to <br />operate the jail, i.e., $40-50,000, and what he hears in the <br />community is that they don't want to spend more money. <br />Commissioner Lyons reported that his statement to the <br />press explained that we are looking at two different things. <br />The transferring of the jail operation out of the Sheriff's <br />budget into ours has nothing to do with the Sheriff looking <br />for more people for road patrol. If he is, that is an <br />entirely different issue and one which will be settled when <br />we look at his next fiscal budget. Commissioner Lyons <br />further noted that it obviously will cost more each year to <br />operate the jail because of the changing requirements of the <br />Department of Corrections, but that has nothing to do with <br />the transfer either as the Sheriff would have to meet the <br />same requirements. <br />5 <br />JUL 101984 <br />BOOK 57 PACE575 <br />