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more than two days after notice to the political <br />candidate of any political sign otherwise in viola- <br />tion of this Chapter. The illegal placement of any <br />political sign advertising a particular candidate <br />shall be prima facie evidence that the candidate <br />placed or authorized the placement of said sign. <br />(5) Any candidate may apply for hearing before the <br />Board of County Commissioners to show cause why they are unable to <br />post a bond as required in this Section. Upon a showing of good <br />cause, the Board of County Commissioners may waive the bond <br />requirements. However, any candidate who obtains a waiver of the <br />bond requirement shall not be relieved of the removal requirements <br />herein and shall be responsible to the County for the cost of <br />the County's removing any signs placed in violation of this <br />Section. <br />(6) Temporary political signs are permitted in all <br />zoning districts subject to the rules set forth below. <br />(7) Temporary political signs in residential districts. <br />Temporary political signs in residential districts, as defined <br />within the Indian River County Zoning Code, Appendix A, §5-17, <br />are allowed subject to the following provisions: <br />(a) One sign apt exceeding twelve square feet per <br />lot or parcel of land. <br />(b) Sign shall not be illuminated and shall be <br />free standing. <br />(c) Sign shall be located wholly on the private <br />property and shall be placed at least five feet <br />from all rights-of-way and 15 feet from all prop- <br />erty lines, and shall not exceed five feet in <br />height. <br />(8) Temporary political signs in agricultural, com- <br />mercial, manufacturing and industrial districts. Temporary <br />political signs in agricultural, commerical, manufacturing and <br />industrial districts, as defined within the Indian River County <br />Code, Appendix A, §4, and §8-22, are allowed subject to the <br />following provisions: <br />57 <br />SEP 5 1994 Boos ���.c <br />