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<br />FRIDAY, APRIL 24th 1931..
<br />The Board of County Commissioners in and for Indian River County, Florida, met at
<br />the Court House in Vero Beach, Florida, at 10 o'clock A.M.Friday, April 24th .1931P
<br />upon call of the Chairman, with the following members of the Board present: Albert 0.
<br />Helseth, Chairman; J.D.Yongue; J.vl.LaBruce; J.J.P.Hamilton and Wli.C. walker. Also
<br />present was Miles . Warren, Clerk.
<br />The Chairman announced the meeting was called to consider moving the Court House
<br />quarters to the i-,almetto Hotel.
<br />Commissioner LaBruce offered the following resolution®
<br />VIEEREAS,.Indian giver County has used as Court House quarters since the creation
<br />of the County the up -stairs of the Seminole Building in Vero Beach, which building is
<br />strongly constructed, adequately protected from fire, and by reason of its location is
<br />well protected by the City Police force, and
<br />WHEREAS, at the time of the creation of the County, due to the great activity in
<br />all lines, rents for such quarters were extremely high, but the ability to pay was good,
<br />and since the depression the rent has been lowered and better arrangements made, all
<br />for the benefit of the County, and
<br />WHEREAS owners of the Palmetto hotel building have offered to lease such building
<br />for Court House quarters at a monthly rental of §125.00 per month plus City and State
<br />and County taxes., which rent computed on the 1930 taxes amount to Rent U1500.009 State
<br />and County taxes $327.50 and City taxes *264.00, making a total of 02,091.50, and,
<br />VJHAS, the building now being used by the Court has recently came into the hands
<br />of a Receiver, through Court proceedings, and such receiver has consented and agreed
<br />to rent the quarters now being used for the sum of 4;150.00 per month or $1800.00 per
<br />year, which will be a considerable saving over the proposition of removing to the
<br />Palmetto Hotel building, and
<br />WHEREAS it is the duty and obligation of the Board of County Commissioners to
<br />protect the records of the County from fire or other destruction, and to use the ut-
<br />most care and consideration in properly protecting said records, and should do so
<br />regardless of cost, but in the interest of sound business, and
<br />VIEEREAS said records can and will be more adequately protected by remaining in
<br />the present location, and at the same time effect a considerabie saving in rent paid
<br />out, and
<br />VOMEAS, it appears the County will be put to some expense for alterations and
<br />moving the records and furniture to the Palmetto Hotel building, and it appears that
<br />the amounts incident thereto must and should be paid from the Incidental or contingency
<br />item of the General Revenue Fund of the County, and it further appearing that both of
<br />these items have become exhausted, and that this Board will be criminally liable and
<br />subject to removal from office in the event this Board contracts for expenditures
<br />in excess of the amount set out in the budget,
<br />THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners that we accept the
<br />proposal or offer of the Receiver of the .Seminole Building, few-wkieh-we-are on the
<br />grounds it gives us better protection of records, for which we are responsible as a
<br />Board, and effects a saving to the County over the proposition made us by the owners
<br />of the Palmetto Hotel.
<br />Such resolution being offered was lost for want of a second to the same.
<br />At this point the Board instructed the Clerk to insert in the minutes the rate of
<br />rent heretofore paid for the Seminole Building, now being used as Court House purposes,,
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