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EXHIBIT B <br />Indian River County Sector 3 Sea Turtle Monitoring — 2015 <br />Final Interpretive Report: Upon conclusion of data analyses for the 2015 nesting season, <br />a draft interpretive report, including an assessment of project impacts, if any, will <br />be submitted to the County. This assessment will be based on statistical and other <br />comparisons of nesting and reproductive success between treatment and control <br />areas. EAI will meet with the County to review and identify any changes <br />warranted in the interpretive report. After such changes are made by EAI, a final <br />draft of the report will be submitted to the County. <br />Hardbottom Monitoring <br />Hardbottom Monitoring Report: Following completion of the field survey effort, CSA <br />will analyze the transect and quadrat data per FDEP Biological Monitoring Plan <br />requirements and prepare a draft summary report. The report will include <br />appropriate graphics/tables, statistical analyses of the collected data, comparisons <br />to previous years' survey data, and an assessment of project -related impacts to <br />hardbottom communities. The report will be provided in both hard copy and <br />digital format. Data deliverables on portable hard drive will include frame - <br />grabbed images from all transects, PointCount files and associated data, Excel <br />spreadsheets of PointCount data, and Excel spreadsheets of in situ quadrat data. <br />UMAM Analysis: A UMAM report will be provided to the County that will include <br />qualitative descriptions of impacted communities and associated ecological <br />functions, and quantitative estimates of the extent of impacts. The UMAM <br />spreadsheets, in addition to supporting documentation, will be provided in hard <br />copy and digital format to the County for review prior to submittal to FDEP <br />The draft Hardbottom Moniotirng and UMAM reports will be provided to the County for <br />distribution to a 3`d party for impartial review and comment. CSA and/or EAI will then <br />coordinate with the County and 3`d party reviewer to identify and discuss any needed <br />changes to the draft summary and UMAM reports. After such changes are made by CSA, <br />EAI will forward the summary report to FDEP in partial fulfillment of permit conditions. <br />