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a: 1 <br />Mr. Hunsberger stated he would be glad to answer any <br />questions. <br />Commissioner Wodtke inquired as to the wording in Mr. <br />Hunsberger's cover letter in Exhibit "H" and asked if Mr. <br />Hunsberger was making everything available today to enable the <br />Board to make a fair rate determination because the last sentence <br />in Mr. Hunsberger's cover letter states: "Accordingly, it does <br />not include all the disclosures required for a fair presentation <br />in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles." <br />and Mr. Hunsberger advised that basically, the wording in that <br />statement is a standard disclaimer. <br />Commissioner Wodtke wondered if Mr. Hunsberger were <br />representing the Homeowners' Association, would he have prepared <br />his figures in the same way, and Mr. Hunsberger assured the Board <br />that he wants to be fair to both the rate maker and the rate <br />payer. He recalled his past experience as a third party in rate <br />cases, and felt his reputation is such that he tries to be fair <br />to everyone. He emphasized that he does not bring in a packed <br />price with the anticipation of ending up with one half of what he <br />requested. <br />Commissioner Wodtke asked if Mr. Hunsberger had projected <br />any expenses for customer growth and Mr. Hunsberger stated that <br />he had and that was shown in Adjustment #16. <br />Chairman Scurlock asked if there is a base facility charge <br />being charged to each of the lots that are yet to be developed, <br />and Mr. Hunsberger answered that there was not. <br />Chairman Scurlock also asked if Mr. Hunsberger had <br />considered the historical water consumption figures, as Breezy <br />Village seems to have a lower consumption level than the average <br />5500 gallons per unit consumption found throughout the County. <br />Mr. Hunsberger stated that he had looked back and found that <br />Breezy Village residents use an average of 2000-3000 gallons per <br />unit, and pointed out that most people water their lawns from <br />wells. <br />12 <br />_I <br />