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M <br />OMB Director Barton informed those present that the Finance <br />Department pays bills three times a month now, and they shortly <br />are going to be paying bills weekly. If a bill is sent down here <br />and misses the cut off, it is necessary to hold it until the next <br />bill paying day. He pointed out that if the fire departments get <br />their bills the first of the month and then takes them to their <br />Board for approval, it probably by then is about the 15th of the <br />month. If they miss that cut off date and are delayed until <br />about the 28th of the month, the vendor doesn't receive the <br />payment in time to show the credit on the next month's bill. <br />Director Barton further explained that the auditors were <br />unwilling to go directly to four different fire department and go <br />through the records of each, and that is why the procedure was <br />set up so this all goes through the County. <br />Discussion continued at length regarding bill paying <br />procedures, the fact that the bills must be in proper order, <br />signed off on, etc., and Administrator Wright emphasized that if <br />the departments have a complaint, they should make it known and <br />come down here and get something done about it. <br />Chairman Bowman requested that the Fire Chiefs be sent a <br />memo explaining these procedures. <br />Jerry Peeler of the Vero Lakes Estates Department once again <br />brought up their need for fill and noted that a canal was <br />recently cleaned out and there is dirt just lying there blocking <br />the road. He wished to know if they could scoop the dirt up at <br />their expense and make use of it. <br />It was noted that this very probably belongs to the Drainage <br />District, and he should contact John Amos in this regard. <br />OMB Director Barton stated that he would like to meet with <br />the people involved with purchasing after the meeting adjourns. <br />Commissioner Lyons felt the Board would be interested in <br />receiving a comment from the Advisory Board as to whether or not <br />they want to set up District standards as to who rides the <br />firetrucks. <br />15 <br />JAN 3 0 1995 BOOK 9 F,cE733 <br />I <br />