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r � � <br />Discussion continued as to boundaries and how this works out <br />in relation to communications and calling 911. <br />Mr. Fletcher believed that General Services Director Dean is <br />acquainted with their communication system and commented that Mr. <br />Dean is the one he would choose to be the liaison man as he has <br />been very helpful in the past. <br />Director Dean informed the Board that he has a plan the <br />Advisory Board accepted and recommended, and they are trying to <br />get the specifics together and come before the Commission in the <br />next 30 days to ask permission to go out to bid for a package <br />plan to update the system in the North County so that everybody <br />can communicate with one another. This would run in conjunction <br />with the new tower to give the North County their own repeater; <br />they do not have one now. He explained that the problem is that <br />without a repeater, when they are out in the field, it is only <br />truck to truck or car to car communication, which is inadequate. <br />The new plan will eliminate this problem. <br />Administrator Wright noted that they are proposing a tower <br />package that all the five or six departments will tie into, and <br />Director Dean confirmed that North County will have a frequency <br />they can share, and central dispatch, whoever it may be, will do <br />the dispatching for the North County. <br />Chief Arand stated that he had felt they were going to this <br />new system in order to have their own 911 system in the North <br />County and not have'to go through the one in South County. <br />Director Dean noted that he did not address the 911 system <br />in relation to the communications package he presented to the <br />North County Distr&t. <br />Commissioner Lyons pointed out that to have a 911 system, <br />you need a 24 hour, seven -day -a -week dispatcher and a console, <br />and Commissioner Scurlock stated that he was not interested in <br />having two 911 systems for the county; this is one county. <br />Discussion ensued at length and in detail as to how the <br />communication system functions now in the North County; how <br />7 <br />BOOK 9 FACE 7 �5 <br />JAN 3 0 1995 <br />