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Department. They, therefore, asked the South County to do the <br />job because if there isn't a return "10-8" within a reasonable <br />period of time, they are back on the air again until they get <br />somebody. Commissioner Lyons continued that in time, when the <br />North County District is organized the way they should be in the <br />long run, then he would like to see a console in the North <br />County, but right now he believed the present setup is a bit of a <br />life preserver for the North County. <br />Commissioner Lyons further wished to make it plain that this <br />meeting is not a meeting aimed at criticism; it is a meeting <br />aimed at finding out what our mutual problems are and how to <br />solve them. <br />Commissioner Bird concurred that the Board does recognize <br />the volunteer's dedication and good work and the money they are <br />saving by their voluntary efforts, but we all have a <br />responsibility to provide the best fire protection to the North <br />County area. <br />Susie Wilson came before the Board and noted that she is a <br />volunteer fireman in the North County, but she also would like to <br />speak as an individual and a taxpayer. Even though the firemen <br />are all volunteers and doing a top notch job to the best of their <br />ability, she believed there should be some type of restrictions <br />or qualifications, especially since there are some firemen who <br />are retirees and may not be up to the health standards required <br />to go out on a fire. Mrs. Wilson confirmed that each department <br />has their own individual training procedure, but if they could <br />get a qualified instructor to hold a meeting once a month at a <br />different department each month, which all the departments could <br />attend, she felt this would help unify the departments in their <br />training. She also felt strongly that there should be an <br />administrator over the entire North County District. Although <br />she did not know the total amount of the District budget this <br />year, she noted that the Fellsmere budget alone is about $34,000, <br />as opposed to their original starting budget of $5,000, which she <br />9 <br />JAI 3 0 1985 BOOK 59 FA -UE. 727 <br />