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FEB 5 1985 BooK 59 FAGE736 <br />reason to believe the State is going to drop the designation of <br />an area of critical concern for all the counties involved for <br />this year at least. We have had requests to drop the moratorium <br />altogether, and if the Board wishes to do so, he felt it should <br />be done before we send out notices to all the property owners. <br />DISCUSS REQUEST OF DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS FOR MINUTES <br />Commissioner Scurlock stated that apparently the DCA intends <br />to monitor all our actions, and he found this aggravating since <br />we have been cooperating all along as requested regarding <br />development on the barrier island and the DCA's attitude seems to <br />indicate that we are trying to slip something by them. <br />Discussion ensued as to the cost involved in mailing all <br />these Minutes weekly as the Minutes generally run between 60 to <br />90 or even 100 pages. Commissioner Scurlock believed this would <br /> several dollars a week, and OMB Director Barton noted <br />that by Statute, the Clerk can charge a dollar a page. <br />Chairman Lyons suggested that we make an estimate of the <br />cost to copy these Minutes and mail them and say we would be <br />happy to supply them on receipt of their order. <br />Commissioner Bird felt we should determine what we actually <br />are talking about moneywise first, and Administrative Aide to the <br />Board, Liz Forlani, reported that the usual practice on requests <br />for agendas is to ask the people to supply us with stamped self- <br />addressed envelopes. Full sets of minutes have been supplied <br />only to local government officials, such as City Manager Little <br />and Representative Patchett, and this does not involve mailing. <br />The Chairman directed that Mrs. Forlani determine as nearly <br />as possible the costs involved and write the DCA informing them <br />of our usual practice and giving them an approximate cost. <br />CONTRACT FOR TREATMENT PLANT SITE (ROUTE 60 AREA) - CONSIDERATION <br />OF MONROE AND CATRON PROPERTIES <br />Chairman Lyons believed what the Board is interested in <br />learning is the actual cost for each site after considering all <br />the various factors, what has to be done to each site, etc. <br />2 <br />