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r <br />FEB 13 198 <br />Bou 5g, r'-o-r: 'I <br />Commissioner Bowman asked if staff would be agreeable to <br />having the median access line up with York street, which is up <br />near the end of the subject property, and which she felt would <br />allow for better traffic flow. <br />Public Works Director Davis stated that staff would agree to <br />work with the properties along the corridor in an effort to <br />develop the most appropriate point for the median cut, and Mr. <br />Sorensen stated that they would have no problem with relocating <br />the entrance anywhere along their frontage as long as it worked. <br />Vice Chairman Scurlock asked if anyone present wished to be <br />heard. There were none. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Wodtke, SECONDED <br />by Commissioner Bowman, the Board unanimously <br />(3-0) closed the public hearing. <br />In further discussion, Attorney Brandenburg explained that <br />if the Board wished to change the site plan, they first would <br />have to approve the appeal and vacate the approval at the <br />Planning & Zoning Commission level; then make the desired <br />modifications to the site plan and approve it as modified. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Wodtke, SECONDED by Com- <br />missioner Bowman, to grant the appeal as filed by staff <br />and approve the site plan based upon a relocation, if <br />necessary, of the U.S.I curb cut with the understanding <br />that the median cut is to be considered a temporary cut <br />and if it is necessary in the future to close that cut, <br />additional access will be provided by a new median cut <br />and the use of a marginal access road; the applicant to <br />dedicate the marginal access road easement and to do every- <br />thing possible to restrict a lefthand turn onto U.S.I., <br />including constructing curbing to make such a turn less <br />feasible. <br />22 <br />