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APP 111985 . BOOK 60 FmrjE. 5 6 <br />Stikelether's suggestion and then disbanded when he was running <br />for reelection. It was generally agreed that the new judges <br />should be approached in regard to reinstating such a committee. <br />Circuit Judge Charles Smith wished to present some facts for <br />the Board's information. He quoted statistics which demonstrate <br />that we have had a 50% increase in felonies in the County in one <br />year. In 1983 there were 306 cases actually appearing before a <br />judge, and in 1984, 503, or a 64% increase. This increase is the <br />number one problem, and Judge Smith stated that the second <br />problem is the new sentencing guidelines promulgated by the <br />Supreme Court. The Judges are tied by those guidelines, and <br />cannot sentence felons into the state prison except in extreme <br />cases. As to Mr. Wright's comment that the Judges can deviate <br />from the guidelines and sentence some to a community control <br />program supervised by the state, Judge Smith stated that the <br />appellate courts are not upholding the judges when they do this. <br />Judge Smith continued that we have made use of the weekend <br />work program for about a year, and those offenders don't even get <br />inside the jails. There are some cases however, that just cannot <br />be put on weekend work programs, etc., and the only alternative <br />is jail. He stressed that almost all prisoners in our county <br />jail are felons. The misdemeanors are R.O.R.; (released on own <br />recognizance) and as to a percentage bail, many of those released <br />on low bonds, do not appear and that means deputies have to find <br />them again. Judge Smith did feel it is possible to speed up the <br />P.S.I's by possibly a week, but stated that they can't do them <br />more often as they just do not have sufficient personnel. <br />In regard to the log jam at the Clerk's office, Judge Smith <br />commented that he had asked the Clerk why they can't call over <br />and -say a nolle prosequi has been issued, but the County Jail <br />will not accept telephoned releases; they must have the <br />paperwork. Judge Smith felt the County will have to face up to <br />this problem by temporarily putting prisoners in trailers, other <br />county's jails, or an old motel or stockade of some sort. There <br />6 <br />