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APR <br />1��� <br />BOOK <br />6,0 F,,cr, 500 <br />areas <br />of transition, especially the area out SR -60 where <br />part of <br />his property is presently zoned R-3. Under the Comprehensive <br />land Use Plan, the MD -1 allows up to 8 units per acre and he <br />understood that this would be zoned RM -6, which allows only 6 <br />units per acre. He noted that the Commission is allowing more <br />commercial zoning out that way and felt that this is putting a <br />limitation on the property that he owns, as well as other owners <br />in that area. He felt MD -1, which allows up to 8 units per acre, <br />was more realistic in that area of transition. He further <br />understood that a rezoning application has been submitted for a <br />small commercial node on property located right across the <br />highway from his property. Mr. Sorenson asked that the Board <br />also consider the property owners who have contributed to the <br />SR -60 assessments for water and sewer improvements. He explained <br />that Mr. Shearer had advised him verbally that when this area is <br />ready to be developed, he could come in and request a rezoning. <br />Mr. Sorenson believed that many people in the County were not <br />aware of this mass rezoning and again urged the Board to give <br />consideration to the SR -60 area and other areas situated on a <br />major thoroughfare or being in a state of transition. <br />Commissioner Scurlock believed that the Board realizes that <br />some problems would be encountered in such a massive task, such <br />as the area out SR -60. He, personally, felt if these areas are <br />identified as unique, that it was the County's responsibility to <br />initiate the action, rather than make the applicant go to the <br />time and expense to have his property rezoned in order to use it. <br />Chairman Lyons agreed. <br />Mr. Shearer stated that if staff found they had make a <br />mistake, they would be willing to go back and initiate a <br />rezoning. In regard to this particular area, the reason staff <br />chose multiple family for 6 units per acre along SR -60 was due to <br />the many requests for multiple family; staff felt 6 units per <br />acre was clear County policy and wanted to continue it. He <br />realized that conditions out in that area have changed somewhat <br />6 <br />