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i <br /> (2) CONSULTANTS SCOPE OF WORK AND PRODUCT DELIVERABLES <br /> (a) PHASE 1 - CONSULTANT PROGRAMMING/SCHEMATIC PHASE: <br /> 1. The CONSULTANT shall coordinate with their design team and the <br /> COUNTY'S Project Manager. <br /> 2. The CONSULTANT shall implement a space-allocation and building <br /> design program. The program is designed to optimize space and efficiency and <br /> comfort for the user. A Program Committee shall be formed and the committee will <br /> be chaired by the CONSULTANT, and will include representatives of INDIAN <br /> RIVER COUNTY and key sub-contracted consultants. The program implementation <br /> will include researching the project type, establishing goals and objectives, gathering <br /> relevant information, identify strategies, determine quantitative requirements, and <br /> summarizing the program. <br /> 3. The CONSULTANT shall prepare a written narrative to validate the <br /> program. <br /> 4. The CONSULTANT shall prepare schematic level floorplans. <br /> (b) PHASE 2 -DESIGN DEVELOPMENT PHASE: <br /> 1. CONSULTANT shall prepare Design Development Documents consisting <br /> of design development drawings; outline specifications and other documents <br /> sufficient to establish the size, quality and character of the project development, <br /> including the architectural, interior design, technology, mechanical and electrical <br /> systems; and other such elements of the project as may be appropriate. Drawings <br /> shall be a refinement of the schematic drawings, and shall further define the project <br /> scope,relationships, forms, size and appearance. Drawings and specifications shall <br /> include: <br /> (i) Building, Plans, sections, elevations, typical construction details, <br /> equipment lay-out. <br /> (iii) Specifications: identify major materials, systems and quality levels. <br /> 2. The CONSULTANT shallprepare an updated detailed building construction <br /> plan based on the preliminary Design Development Documents, and reconcile design <br /> with the Project budget. <br /> (c) PHASE 3- 50% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS <br /> 1. The CONSULTANT will perforin all necessary CONSULTING SERVICES and <br /> incidental work for the interior renovations. Based on the design development documents, <br /> 50% construction document plans and technical specifications shall be prepared, <br /> establishing in detail the material and systems required for the Project, including the <br /> incorporation of energy efficient, sustainable building and site design principles and <br /> systems required by FS $255.2575. The Program Committee will meet and review plans to <br /> insure they meet the needs of the COUNTY. <br /> 5 <br /> I <br />