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Comprehensive Plan Capital Improvements Element <br />public safety expenditures increased by 5.17%. Since FY 2008/09, public safety expenditures have <br />decreased by 5.94%. Public safety represented 33.15% of all county expenses in FY 2013/14. <br />Physical Environment <br />The physical environment classification encompasses the county's water and waste water utilities, the <br />Solid Waste Disposal District (SWDD), the Soil and Water Conservation District, and the <br />Environmentally Sensitive Land Acquisition Fund. Table 6.5 shows that $49,893,042 was spent on <br />these activities in FY 2013/14. Between fiscal years 2012/13 and 2013/14, physical environment <br />expenditures increased by 6.91%. Since FY 2008/09, physical environment expenditures have <br />decreased by 8.02%. Physical environment services represented 23.50% of all county expenses in FY <br />2013/14. <br />Transportation <br />Departments under the transportation category include Road and Bridge, County Engineering, <br />Secondary Roads Construction, and Traffic Engineering. Those departments are responsible for <br />designing, constructing, overseeing, and maintaining the county's roads and drainage systems. As <br />shown in table 6.5, the county spent $34,859,058 on transportation facilities in FY 2013/14. Since FY <br />2008/09, transportation expenditures have decreased by 14.65%. Transportation expenses represented <br />16.42% of all county expenses in FY 2013/14. <br />Economic Environment <br />Included in the economic environment category are the costs of providing services which develop and <br />improve the economic condition of the community and its citizens. Up to June 30, 2011, Veteran <br />Services, the Housing Authority, and the Economic Development Division of the Indian River County <br />Chamber of Commerce primarily undertook that function. On July 1, 2011, the Housing Authority <br />was officially separated from the County; consequently, its expenditures are no longer reported here. <br />Table 6.5 shows that $1,106,886 was spent on economic environment services in FY 2013/14. <br />Between fiscal years 2012/13 and 2013/14, economic environment expenditures decreased by <br />57.12%. Since FY 2008/09, economic environment expenditures have increased by 69.37%. <br />Economic environment expenses represented 0.52% of all county expenses in FY 2013/14. Higher <br />expenses between FY 2008/09 and FY 2013/14 were the result of expenditure of Neighborhood <br />Stabilization Program Community Development Block Grant funds, one time grants provided to <br />lessen the negative affects of the economic downturn/recession and housing collapse. <br />Human Services <br />Human Services cover the cost of providing services for the care, treatment, and control of human <br />illness, injury or disabilities, and for the welfare of the community as a whole and its individuals. The <br />Community Development Department Indian River County <br />Adopted V e c • 1 , 2015, Ordinance 2015- 11 21 <br />