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II <br />Contract #28467 <br />Encumbrance #S008098 <br />COST -SHARE AGREEMENT <br />BETWEEN THE <br />ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT <br />AND INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is entered into by and between the GOVERNING BOARD of the <br />ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT (the "District"), whose address is 4049 Reid Street, Palatka, <br />Florida 32177, and INDIAN RIVER COUNTY ("Recipient"), 1801 27th Street, Building A, Vero Beach, Florida <br />32960-3388. All references to the parties hereto include the parties, their officers, employees, agents, <br />successors, and assigns. <br />RECITALS <br />The waters of the state of Florida are among its basic resources, and it has been declared to <br />be the policy of the Legislature to promote the conservation, development, and proper <br />utilization of surface and ground water. Pursuant to chapter 373, Fla. Stat., the District is <br />responsible for the management of the water resources within its geographical area. <br />The District 2015-2016 cost -share funding program is designed to fund the construction of local <br />stormwater management and alternative water supply projects as well as conservation <br />implementation projects. Its goals are to contribute to: 1) reduction in water demand through <br />indoor and outdoor conservation measures; 2) development of alternative or non-traditional water <br />supply sources; such as reclaimed water, surface water, or seawater; 3) water quality <br />improvements (for example, nutrient -loading reduction in springsheds or other surface -water <br />systems); and 4) water resource development opportunities (for instance, increasing available <br />source water through expansion or development of surface -water storage). The current cost -share <br />funding program also recognizes the importance of providing funding opportunities for <br />construction of flood protection and natural -systems restoration projects, which are important <br />components of the District's core mission focus. <br />The District has determined that providing cost -share funding to Recipient for the purposes <br />provided for herein will benefit the water resources and one or more of the District's <br />missions and initiatives. <br />At its August 2015 meeting, the Governing Board selected Recipient's proposal for cost - <br />share funding. The parties have agreed to jointly fund the following project in accordance <br />with the funding formula further described in the Statement of Work, Attachment A <br />(hereafter the "Project"): <br />West Wabasso Septic to Sewer Project <br />In consideration of the above recitals, and the funding assistance described below, Recipient agrees <br />to perform and complete the activities provided for in the Statement of Work, Attachment A. Recipient shall <br />complete the Project in conformity with the contract documents and all attachments and other items <br />incorporated by reference herein. This Agreement consists of all of the following documents: (1) Agreement, <br />(2) Attachment A - Statement of Work; and (3) all other attachments, if any. The parties hereby agree to the <br />following terms and conditions. <br />Page 1 of 14 <br />