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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />MONDAY t JULY 6th 1931. <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met in the office of <br />the Clerk of the Circuit Court at Vero Beach, in the County of Indian River, on this <br />the 6th day of July 1931, and the following County Commissioners were present: <br />Albert 0. Helssth,-Chairman; J.D.Yongue; J.W.LaB race; J.J.P.Hemilton and Eli C.17alker. <br />it was ordered that W.-S.Parsley be placed on the pauper list to receive the sum <br />of 050.00 per month, instead of $40.00 as heretofore paid. Also moved, seconded and <br />carried that L.B.Simmons, remain on the pauper list to receive the sum of $25.00 per <br />month. <br />The Tax Assessor having presented his books showing the assessed valuation of <br />property for examination by this Board in compliance with the requirements ofSection <br />934 of the Compiled General Laws of Florida, and the Board of County Commissioners <br />having given notice for Fifteen days by publication in the Fero Beach Press-Journal,a <br />newspaper published at Vero Beach, in the County of Indian Rivers that the Board <br />would meet on this day as a Board of Equalizers for the purpose of hearing complaints <br />and receiving testimony as to the value of any property real, personal or mixed, as <br />fixed by the County Tax .Assessor of taxes for assessment for the taxes for the year <br />1931, the owners and agents of property, who appeared for that purpose, were allowed <br />to make full and complete statements as to the valuation of the property owned or <br />represented by them and the Tax .Assessor and the members of the Board having fully <br />discussed the statements and facts as presented decided that no change would be made <br />in the valuation upon any of the property on the tax rolls at this time. <br />The Board of County Commissioners then adjourned to meet tomorrow. <br />ATTEST: <br />l e r k. <br />TUESDAY, JULY 7th 1931. <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, met at the <br />Court House in Vero 'Beach, on Tuesday, <br />July -7th 1931, at 10 <br />o'clock <br />A.M.with the <br />following members of the Board present: <br />.Albert 0. Helseth, <br />Chairman; <br />J.D.Yongue; J.W. <br />LaB race; J.J.P.Hamilton and Eli C. walker. Also present were Miles Warren, Clerk and <br />Clark S. Rice, Sheriff. <br />Check of T.H.Sibley in'the sum of $328.46 for rent on County :machinery was received <br />It was ordered placed in the General Funds of the County. <br />It was ordered that the Clerk prepare And have published advertisement requesting <br />bids for oiling roads in ;special Road & Bridge District #4. <br />A.P.Spencer, Agricultural Director and the Board of County Commissioners of <br />St. Lucie County appeared respecting County Agricultural Agent and Home Demonstration <br />Agent, for'St. Lucie and Indian River Counties combined. It was ordered that action <br />be deferred until budget is prepared. <br />Dors Elva J. Snell appeared before the Board respecting Mothers Pension now being <br />received by her and which had been reduced $5.00 per month. No action was taken. <br />James Ruffin appeared before the Board requesting refund for Amount expended for <br />medical attention when crippled on County road work he being struck by a passing <br />motorist whose car was insured and payment made by insurance Company for all mediail <br />attention.. .Attorney for the Board advised claim would be illegal. On motion made, <br />seconded and carried it yea ordered no claim for payment be allowed. <br />L.H.Vinnedge appeared regarding employment of a County Agent and endorsed the <br />move to combine one agent with ;fit Lucie and Indian River County. <br />