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Coordinate <br />To advance systematically an analysis and exchange of information amon principals <br />who have or may have a need to know certain information to carry out specific <br />incident management responsibilities. <br />Decontamination (Decon) <br />That action required to physically remove or chemically change the contaminants <br />from personnel and equipment. <br />Deputy <br />A fully qualified individual who, in the absence of a superior, can be delegated the <br />authority to manage a functional operation or perform a specific task. In some <br />cases, a deputy can act as relief fora superior and, therefore, must be fully qualified <br />in the position. Deputies can be assigned to the Incident Commander, General <br />Staff, and Branch Directors. <br />Dispatch <br />The ordered movement of a resource or resources to an assigned operational <br />mission or an administrative move from one location to another. <br />Disposal <br />The removal of waste material to a site or facility that is specifically designed and <br />permitted to receive such wastes. <br />Division <br />Drill <br />The partition of an incident into geographical areas of operation. Divisions are <br />established when the number of resources exceeds the manageable span of control <br />of the Operations Chief. A division is located within the ICS organization between <br />the branch and resources in the Operations Section. <br />A supervised instruction period aimed at developing testing and monitoring technical <br />skills necessary to perform emergency response operations. <br />