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Mm M IMF"l <br />The process and procedures used by all organizations -Federal, State, local, and <br />tribal -for activating, assembling, and transporting all resources that have been <br />requested to respond to or support an incident. <br />Multi -agency Coordination Entity <br />A multi -agency coordination entity functions within a broader multi -agency <br />coordination system. It may establish the priorities among incidents and associated <br />resource allocations, de -conflict agency policies, and provide strategic guidance and <br />direction to support incident management activities. <br />Multi -agency Coordination Systems <br />Multi -agency coordination systems provide the architecture to support coordination <br />for incident prioritization, critical resource allocation, communications systems <br />integration, and information coordination. The components of multi -agency <br />coordination systems include facilities, equipment, emergency operation centers <br />(EOCs), specific multi -agency coordination entities, personnel, procedures, and <br />communications. These systems assist agencies and organizations to fully integrate <br />the subsystems of the NIMS. <br />Multi -agency Jurisdictional Incident <br />An incident requiring action from multiple agencies that each have jurisdiction to <br />manage certain aspects of an incident. In ICS, these incidents will be managed <br />under Unified Command. <br />Mutual -Aid Agreement <br />Written agreement between agencies and/or jurisdictions that they will assist one <br />another on request, by furnishing personnel, equipment, and/or expertise in a <br />specified manner. <br />National <br />Of a nationwide character, including the Federal, State, local, and tribal aspects of <br />governance and polity. <br />