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Creation date
12/17/2015 10:57:24 AM
Official Documents
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Florida Inland Navigation District
Archie Smith Fish House Phase IIA
Dock Restoration
Archie Smith Fish House
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Exhibit B <br />A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />J.R. SMITH, CLERK <br />10. Waterways related environmental education programs and facilities; <br />11. Public fishing and viewing piers; <br />12. Public waterfront parks and boardwalks and associated improvements; <br />13. Maritime Management Planning; <br />14. Waterways boating safety programs and equipment; <br />15. Beach renourishment on beaches adversely impacted by navigation inlets, navigation structures, navigation dredging, or a <br />navigation project; and <br />16. Environmental restoration, enhancement or mitigation projects; and <br />17. Other waterway related projects. Waterway projects that do not meet specific criteria in subsection 66B-2.005(5) or (6) or <br />subparagraphs 66B-2 008(1)(a)1.-16., F.A.C., but are located on eligible waterways shall be considered for funding under the <br />priority listing of "other waterway related project" and eligible for 25% funding. <br />(b) Ineligible Projects or Project Elements. Project costs ineligible for program funding or matching funds will include: <br />contingencies, miscellaneous, reoccurring personnel related costs, irrigation equipment, ball -courts, park and playground equipment, <br />and any extraneous recreational amenities not directly related to the waterway such as the following: <br />1. Landscaping that does not provide shoreline stabilization or aquatic habitat; <br />2. Restrooms for non -waterway users; <br />3. Roadways providing access to non -waterway users; <br />4. Parking areas for non -waterway users; <br />5. Utilities for non -waterway related facilities; <br />6 Lighting for non -waterway related facilities; <br />7. Project maintenance and maintenance equipment; <br />8. Picnic shelters and furniture; <br />9. Vehicles to transport vessels; and <br />10. Operational items such as fuel, oil, etc. <br />11. Office space that is not incidental and necessary to the operation of the main eligible public building; and <br />12. Conceptual project planning, including: public surveys, opinion polls, public meetings, organizational conferences; and <br />13. Inlet maintenance. <br />(c) Project Elements with Eligibility Limits: Subject to approval by the Board of an itemized expense list: <br />1. The following project costs will be eligible for program funding or as matching funding if they are performed by an <br />independent contractor: <br />a. Project management, administration and inspection; <br />b. Design, permitting, planning, engineering or surveying costs for completed construction project; <br />c. Restoration of sites disturbed during the construction of an approved project; <br />d. Equipment costs. <br />Before reimbursement is made by the District on any of the costs listed in subparagraph 1. above, a construction contract for the <br />project, approved and executed by the project sponsor and project contractor must be submitted to the District. <br />2. Marine fire -fighting vessels are eligible for a maximum of $60,000 in initial District funding. Marine law enforcement and <br />other vessels are eligible for a maximum of $30,000 in initial District funding. All future replacement and maintenance costs of the <br />vessel and related equipment will be the responsibility of the applicant. <br />3. Waterway related environmental education facility funding will be limited to those project elements directly related to the <br />District's waterways. <br />(d) Phasing of Projects- Applications for eligible waterway projects may be submitted as a phased project where Phase I will <br />include the design, engineering and permitting elements and Phase II will include the construction of the project. A description and <br />cost estimate of the Phase II work shall be submitted along with the Phase I application for Board review. <br />(2) Property Control: The site of a new proposed land-based development project, with the exception of those projects <br />requesting Small -Scale Spoil Island Restoration and Enhancement funding, shall be dedicated for the public use for which the <br />project was intended for a minimum period of 25 years after project completion. Such dedication shall be in the form of a deed, <br />lease, management agreement or other legally binding document and shall be recorded in the public property records of the county <br />in which the property is located. This property control requirement also applies to a project site owned by another governmental <br />
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