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Work Order
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CDM Smith, Consultant
Work Order No. 4 CCNA-2014 WO No.4
South County Reservoir Site Review
South County Reservoir
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permeability). This information will be used to determine if excavation of existing soils is necessary, if <br />more suitable fill must be brought to the site, if a liner system is required to retain water in the <br />reservoir, etc. <br />County will subcontract directly with a licensed and certified geotechnical services contractor to perform <br />standard penetration tests, including soil profile and percolation tests. Consultant proposes that a <br />minimum of 5 soil borings be completed to a minimum depth of 50 feet below land surface, as well as 5 <br />percolation tests across the 68 -acres. The locations of these borings and tests will be determined based <br />on the conceptual layout of the access roads, berms and reservoir so that the locations selected provide <br />the most beneficial information possible. <br />Consultant will review the results of the geotechnical evaluation (contractor's report), and provide an <br />interpretation of these results in the summary report to be provided under Task 7.0. <br />It should be noted that the services provided under this task are not to be considered to be a <br />comprehensive geotechnical investigation of the site. Should the County opt to purchase the property, a <br />far more extensive geotechnical evaluation should be performed to obtain more data needed to <br />complete design. <br />TASK 4.0 PERMITTING EVALUATION <br />Consultant will elaborate on the permitting needs summary prepared in the North County Reservoir <br />Feasibility Study to more closely reflect the specifics of the subject property. Consultant will prepare a <br />summary of applicable permits, permit fees, and potential limitations associated with each permit. The <br />summary will also include an anticipated timeframe needed to obtain each permit (Note: the actual <br />schedule is highly dependent on regulatory review times, requests for additional information, and in <br />some cases, the pre -determined schedule for review committees issuing the permits). <br />TASK 5.0 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN <br />Subtask 5.1 Reservoir System <br />The size of the reservoir system has been established by County staff for this particular effort. Of the 83 - <br />acres available within the primary parcel (additional 5 -acre parcel geometry not conducive to inclusion <br />in the reservoir footprint), approximately 68 -acres are considered suitable from a geometry standpoint <br />for the actual reservoir footprint. The additional 5 -acre parcel can be used for maintenance areas, site <br />access, parking, etc. Therefore, the Consultant's direction from the County is to assume that the largest <br />reservoir possible on a 68 -acre site, assuming a 10 foot side water depth, is to be constructed. All <br />conceptual design and cost estimate components of this effort are based on this assumption. Consultant <br />is not providing any additional evaluation related to sizing of reservoir size. While USGS staff gauge data <br />(historical and instantaneous flow) is available within the South County Relief Canal and <br />rainfall/evaporation data is available from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, this <br />information is not required during this initial phase if the assumption is that the reservoir will be sized to <br />maximize the available acreage. <br />Coincidentally, the previously completed North County Reservoir Feasibility Study determined that to <br />meet a long-term potable water demand of 5.0 mgd (average daily flow), a reservoir of 64 -acres would <br />be required (with a 10 foot side water depth). Much of the design information and resulting estimates of <br />probable cost for the North County effort are transferable to this evaluation and will serve as the basis <br />of this Task. Consultant will update unit quantities from the previous report to more accurately reflect <br />the current, site-specific evaluation and 68 -acre size (vs. the previous 64 -acre size). Subsequent phases, <br />should the County opt to purchase the property and pursue the reservoir construction, should include <br />A-3 <br />jj1778.docx <br />
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