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AMERICAN TOWER' <br />CORPORATION <br />Via FedEx: Tracking # 773121012363 and Via Electronic Mail <br />William K. DeBraal (Bill) <br />Deputy County Attorney <br />County Attorney's Office <br />Indian River County (IRC) <br />1801 27th Street <br />Vero Beach, FL. 32960-3365 <br />Phone #1 (772)567-8000 <br />Phone #2: (772) 226-1424 <br />Email. bdebraal�i7�, <br />Re: American Tower * <br />Calvary Chapel of Vero Beach at Vero Beach Ring, ATC Tower # 370764 , Colo# <br />616457; Site Location: 5350 77th Street, Vero Beach, Florida <br />Request for consent to proposed modification of equipment <br />March 13, 2015 <br />Manuel Cabo (Manny <br />Manager <br />Telecommunications Division <br />Indian River County (IRC) <br />1801 27th Street <br />Vero Beach, FL. 32960-3365 <br />Phone#1 (772)226-1318 <br />Email. mcabora) <br />Dear Land Owner: <br />The purpose of this letter is to request your consent to proposed modification of <br />equipment by Calvary Chapel of Vero Beach, Inc., its successors, assigns, parents, affiliates. <br />and subsidiaries ("Calvary Chapel of Vero Beach, Inc."), at American Tower's communications <br />tower located on your property. <br />The ground lease requires your approval for any proposed modification of equipment <br />Calvary Chapel of Vero Beach, Inc. is proposing to modify equipment and the details are listed <br />on the enclosed Exhibit A. The project summary is the installation of one (1) antenna and one (1) <br />cabinet to be placed within a four (4) foot by four (4) foot concreate pad. This pad will be placed <br />within the existing ground lease area. <br />American Tower will continue to be responsible for performance of all obligations under <br />the lease with you. Please acknowledge your approval to this installation by signing and dating <br />the two (2) enclosed originals as provided in the space below and returning one as soon as <br />possible. Please keep the other original for your records. 1 have enclosed a pre -paid FedEx return <br />envelope for your convenience. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at <br />781-926-6914 or email me at <br />Thank you for your attention to this matter. <br />Sincerely, <br />.9nez _ea/eoque <br />Inez Levesque <br />Paralegal <br />American Tower Corporation <br />1 acknowledge and agree to the proposed modification of equipment between Calvary Chapel of Vero <br />Beach, Inc., its successors, assigns, parents, affiliates and subsidiaries, and American Tower at the <br />aforereferenced communications tower This consent shall apply to any and all approvals and notices <br />related to the sublease of Calvary Chapel of Vero Beach, Inc., its successors, assigns, parents, affiliates <br />and subsidiaries, at the tower site including; but not limited to. notice of construction. construction <br />approvals and approval of the sublease s v4 j.._c. t 4o *a._ +& tr 5 ole 11'�4. <br />L; .a- 43 Ne.42444A+ ett.4 ea and v 41, z cor <br />C,,, ,s G� 1 1 /03 j I st) er itss,S Q3-4 "- <br />tIC.. <br />*American Tower as used herein includes any affiliates or subsidiaries of American Tower Corporation <br />10 Presidential Way • Woburn. MA 01801 • 781.976.4500 Office • 78' 926 4555 Fax • .r.n..anirrl;:mro::er mm <br />