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Transportation System <br />I � 62 wf 405 <br />The subject property has direct access to County Road 512, <br />(classified as an arterial street on the Thoroughfare Plan). <br />The maximum development of the subject property under CG zoning <br />could attract up to 16,170 average annual daily trips. This <br />additional traffic would change the level -of -service on County. <br />Road 512 from A to C unless traffic facility improvements were <br />made. <br />Environment <br />The subject property is not designated as environmentally <br />sensitive nor is it in a flood -prone area. <br />Utilities <br />County water and wastewater facilities are not available for <br />the subject property. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Based on the above analysis, including the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission's recommendation, staff recommends that the I-95 and <br />County Road 512 node be enlarged from 175 to 240 acres. Based <br />on this recommendation, and the Planning and Zoning Com- <br />mission's recommendation, staff recommends that the subject <br />property be rezoned from C-1 and A to CG. <br />Commissioner Wodtke noted that if a shopping center is built <br />on the 49 acres, the center would be six times larger than the <br />Vero Mail, but Mr. Shearer believed it was more like three or <br />four times larger as the Vero Mall is approximately 14 acres. <br />George C. Collins, Jr., Attorney representing Fellsmere <br />Development Corporation, advised that Tom Adams, one of the <br />shareholders, is here today to answer any questions. He <br />explained that this property is in the perimeters of the Florida <br />East Coast railway, which runs east and west, and the Florida Gas <br />Line, which runs north and south. He noted that this request is <br />consistent with the intentions of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan <br />which requires nodes to be located at major intersections such as <br />this one, and but for the Hetra Manufacturing Company, the <br />intersection would have had approximately the same acreage <br />Commissioner Bird asked where the boundary lines of the node <br />are at present, and Mr. Shearer pointed out that today's backup <br />material contains a tentative node boundary showing the con- <br />figuration of what the node would look like if it was enlarged to <br />240 acres. This has not been adopted yet and is not being <br />14 <br />