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OCT 16 1955 BOOK 62 FAG J 7 <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Bird, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Scurlock, the Board unanimously <br />(4-0) closed the Public Hearing. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Scurlock, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Wodtke, the Board unanimously (4-0) <br />adopted Ordinance 85-83 enlarging the 1-95/CR-512 <br />Node from 175 to 240 acres, as recommended by <br />staff. <br />ORDINANCE 85-83 WILL BE INSERTED FURTHER ALONG IN TODAY'S MINUTES <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Scurlock, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Wodtke, the Board unanimously (4-0) <br />adopted Ordinance 85-84 rezoning 49.02 acres from <br />A-1, Agricultural District, and C-1, Commercial <br />District, to CG, General Commercial District. <br />Chairman Lyons asked if we want to give any further <br />direction to staff at this time, and Commissioner Scurlock <br />thought that they had the Board's feelings on where we are going. <br />Director Keating advised that staff would analyze that when <br />they evaluate the Comp Plan. <br />Administrator Wright cautioned that the man who has owned <br />this corner for 27 years may not want to pay commercial taxes <br />yet, but Commissioner Scurlock did not believe he would have to <br />simply because of the rezoning. <br />16 <br />