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Mr. Brown advised that Barton-Aschman will be turning over a <br />micro -computer program to the County, which could be used to <br />analyze projects under Development of Regional Impact such as <br />Grand Harbor. <br />Commissioner Scurlock believed that its main benefit would <br />be in determining priorities. <br />Discussion took place on switching priorities if ground <br />patterns change from what was expected or estimated in this <br />study. <br />Director Davis noted that some people in attendance today <br />were instrumental in helping us look over many of the road <br />projects and determining right-of-ways, paving costs, etc. He <br />explained that the wild stab that was originally estimated was <br />for a $265 -million capital improvement program compared to the <br />refined version before the Board today of $131 -million. Much of <br />the difference is in right-of-way cost. The consultants were not <br />that familiar with land values in the grove areas and estimated <br />right-of-way costs at $2 per sq. ft., when, in fact, the County <br />has been buying land for $9,000 per sq. acre. Director Davis <br />emphasized that the impact fees are not going to generate the <br />entire $131 -million. The impact fees and the gas taxes will raise <br />$81 -million, leaving a balance of $50 -million to be funded by <br />other sources of revenue. Existing road users will contribute to <br />the road program each time they purchase gas locally. <br />Commissioner Wodtke asked if we still could use our petition <br />paving program, and Director Davis confirmed that we still would <br />have that option if people wanted to have a road paved sooner <br />than the timeframe provided within the improvement program. <br />IMPACT FEE METHODOLOGY REPORT <br />Dr. James Nicholas emphasized that the County is growing too <br />fast for the fiscal resources available and the Board of County <br />Commissioners must decide whether to increase taxes, suffer <br />7 <br />T <br />BOOK �2 <br />PAGE 575 <br />