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JAN 8 1986 Boa63 F,1^E 296-o5 <br />�6-o <br />have a referendum to bond ad valorem taxes, and Chairman Scurlock <br />stated the emphasis is away from ad valorem taxes. <br />Administrator Wright noted that we will need funds for <br />bridge replacements, etc., and we can only use the impact money <br />for new growth. We will need additional money just to keep up <br />what we already have. <br />Realtor Davis had a question about how long this money will <br />sit there before it will be used. <br />Commissioner Bird believed there is borrowing that can be <br />done interfund because some of the kitties in some of the <br />districts will be slow in growing. <br />Director Davis advised that the state is urging the counties <br />to adopt a 64 gas tax; he believed the state will offer incen- <br />tives; and felt we must give this consideration. <br />Chairman Scurlock determined that no one further wished to <br />be heard, and, therefore, this meeting will be continued to <br />January 22nd. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Bowman, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Bird, Commissioner Lyons having left <br />the meeting, the Board unanimously (4-0) continued <br />the public hearing on the Fair Share Roadway Im- <br />Provements Ordinance to 5:15 o'clock P.M. on <br />January 22nd and instructed staff to make revi- <br />sions in the proposed ordinance as discussed. <br />There being no further business, on Motion duly made, <br />seconded and carried, the Meeting adjourned at 6:45 o'clock P.M. <br />ATTEST: <br />Clerk <br />18 <br />Chairman <br />0 <br />