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B 1 1986 <br />. i <br />BOOK 63 PAGE 657 <br />On September 12, 1984, the Board of County Commissioners adopted <br />an amendment to the text of the land use element of the <br />Comprehensive Plan which provided for establishing node <br />boundaries for each of the nodes as generally depicted on the <br />land use map and described in the text of the land use element of <br />the Comprehensive Plan. <br />On October 10, 1985, the staff presented proposed boundaries for <br />the Sebastian City Limits/U.S. Highway #1 commercial/ industrial <br />node to the Planning and Zoning Commission. At that time, the <br />Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the request and <br />instructed the staff to revaluate the node boundaries to <br />determine if the boundary could be adjusted to include the <br />Kroegel Homestead property. Subsequently, staff reevaluated the <br />node boundary and determined that 3.51 acres of the Kroegel <br />Homestead property could be included in the node boundary if 3,5 <br />acres of residentially developed land were deleted from staff's <br />original proposal; It is staff's position that the new proposed <br />boundary is amenable to all parties involved given the size <br />constraint of the node. <br />On January 23, 1986, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted <br />4 -to -0 to recommend approval of this request. <br />ALTERNATIVES & ANALYSIS <br />Two alternative sets of boundaries were prepared for this node. <br />The first alternative was considered on October 10, 1985. <br />Subsequently, a second alternative was prepared based on the <br />Planning and Zoning Commission's desire to adjust the node <br />boundary to include the Kroegel Homestead. <br />Both the proposed and alternative boundaries of the Sebastian/ <br />U.S. Highway #1 commercial/industrial node were prepared based on <br />the following criteria: <br />1. The general description and size constraint of the node <br />as described in the text of the land use element; <br />2. The existing commercial uses in the general area of the <br />node; , <br />3. The existing zoning pattern; <br />4. Property boundaries; <br />5. Physical considerations; <br />6. Environmental constraints; and <br />7. Access to the transportation network. <br />Existing Land Use Pattern <br />All of the existing commercial uses in the general area of the <br />node are included within the proposed node boundary. These <br />existing commercial uses include Sebastian Electric and Plumbing <br />Company, Mavco Inc., Clarks Welding Shop, Palmers Motel and Guest <br />Cottages, Morgans' Liquor Store, Moodys' Tire and Battery Ware- <br />house, Ocean Mist Seafood and Steaks, Dyers Auto -body Frame and <br />Wrecker Service, Sebastian Plumbing, Halmar Diesel Service, and <br />several mini -warehousing facilities. The node is*surrounded by <br />existing commercial development to the north, in the City of <br />Sebastian, the Indian River and existing residential development <br />to the east, and south, the Sebastian Highland residential <br />development and undeveloped land to the west and southwest. <br />27 <br />